ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟝

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"Woah," I exclaimed as we finally reached dad's actual office.

It looks 5 times the size of his office at home, and more and more paintings were hung on the walls, with sculptures between two pictures. There was a big rifle hung on the left side of the wall. The entire room was painted Royal blue and golden linings. It looks like a freaking throne room.

The desk is filled with 3 huge stacks of paper and coffee mugs scattered here and there. It looks like a typhoon hit here, but it's still beautiful.

"Sit down," Vincent said to me and left the room, I sat down while still admiring the little details of the room. They are richer than I thought they were.

Alex sat opposite me while Lorenzo sat next to me, still hovering over my injuries and asking if it hurts or not. I assured him again and again but he did not seem to give up. I finally gave up and let him check on it.

Voices were heard outside the door and I turned around to look, huh?

The door opened after a few minutes, and Dante, Armando, Vincent, and dad entered the room. Dad took a deep breath and sat down opposite me, eye to eye.

He glanced at all of us and they all shared a look of understanding.

"Vivian, I don't want to freak you out okay? But you got to hear us all out," He started, and took a deep breath. Wait, was he practicing outside? I tried to conceal my smile, no viv, you gotta be serious now.

"Okay," I said, thankfully I didn't laugh or smile, the last time I did that I received a slap to me my face from none other than Armando the great.

"We, we are the Mafia," 

Everyone fell silent as if they expected me to scream or freak out and start running and frantically hyperventilating or maybe even passing out. 

But of course, I didn't do any of that embarrassing shit or maybe not so embarrassing, I calmly said,

"I know"

Dante spits into the coffee mug he bought and looked me dead in the eye, everyone had shocked Pikachu faces. I just sat there trying so hard not to laugh at their ridiculous faces.

"Since when?" Lorenzo asked, his body facing mine

"If I had to name all of them then I need atleast a hundred pages but I had my suspicions since the day I came home, then at the party, it all made sense, and then this 'car fight'," I chuckled, remembering how a bullet almost went threw my head.

He looked at me with his mouth wide open, I shut it up for him, "You'll swallow a mosquito,"

"Vivian, uh, if you want to leave here then it's completely okay, I know it'll be very hard for you to live normally because your life is in constant danger," Dad said,

Leave? Do I want to leave?

"Viv," Mom called me, we were having a picnic, the breeze is perfect and the sun was hidden behind the clouds, it was July I think.


"Family is the most important thing in your entire life, even though they're not perfect or good, they would do anything for you, understand that," She explained, and let out a deep sigh before taking out the sandwiches and munching on one of them, not before handing out 2 to me.

At that time I thought she meant herself but now I understand.

 "I can't leave here until I'm 18, And I don't plan to leave unless you want me to" I just say.  

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