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"It wasn't my fault he bumped into me" I start explaining the moment I enter Mr Bennett's office, he looks up from a stack of files in front of him giving me a confused look.

"What are you talking about?"
he sounds confused, if he didn't call us about my arm, then what is it?

"Relic, what in the world happened to you hand?" he exclaims appalled by my cast encased arm.

"Excuse me, sir I bumped into her in the hallways and she fell to the floor " Killian quickly explains to which I quickly nod my head, I'd do anything to avoid Mr Bennett's fussing.

"How does It feel, does it hurt?" he asks sounding concerned, and I internally groan this is the concern before the fussing.

"It's feel fine, it's just a little uncomfortable but I'll survive" I reply while letting out a little chuckle.

"Sir why did you call us here?" Killian asks while stuffing his hands in his pockets, the action making him look kinda hot.

What is wrong with you

Shut up subconscious

"Oh yes, there was an assembly which both of you missed" he says while looks back to the stack of files he was looking at when we came in.

"Please don't tell me we're in trouble, I had to take her to the nurses office that's why we couldn't make it" Killian quickly explains.

"Well, since your excuse is plausible, I'm going to let you off this time" he says not once looking at us.

"Can we go now?" I ask him, his office is suffocating, it's always messy and I'm never comfortable in here.

"You may leave, but Relic be back here in an hour, there's something I need to discuss with you.''

I knew the fussing was going to come sooner or later, he probably didn't do it cause of Killian.

We exit the office and Killian's still following me around like a lost puppy and it's getting hella annoying.

I turn around and immediately bump into his chest my broken arm coming in between the contact and it hurts like a bitch.

"Ouch" I exclaim while cradling my arm before I look up to glare at his smugly amused smirk.

"Are you a rock or something, and why the heck are you still following me" he's really irritating me right now.

"I've got nothing else to do, and I need to make sure you don't break your other arm by accident princess" he shrugs and keeps walking leaving me standing there.

"Where are you going" I ask dumbly for some reason.

"I thought you didn't want me following you" he replies and keeps walking without even sparing me a glance.

What a jerk

I keep walking after he's out of sight and I make my way to the dorms and to our room, there are now a bunch of people in the hallways all going about, I'm guessing when I was being abducted by Killian they were at the assembly.

I catch some people give me subtle side glances and Ignore them, I don't think I have the energy to yell at anyone right now.

The moment I spot my room number I let out a sign of relief, that is until I saw Killian and the blonde haired bitch making out in a corner.

That's gross

For once I agree with you

So he's one of those guys, I think to my self  as I push the door to my room open , I see River on her bed sleeping and I sigh in relief, heaven knows she's going to overreact when she sees my arm.

I lay down on my back careful not to hurt my arm before I close my eyes and try to get some sleep, today has been hectic.

I lay down for a while before the darkness consumes me and I drift away into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


I wake up in a groggy and disoriented state, I go to sit up and I feel a stinging pain in my arm, I look to my left arm and see it encased in a cast. So it wasn't a dream.

I look over at River's bed and she's still fast asleep before looking over at my alarm clock and I almost jump off of my bed.

I was meant to meet Mr Bennett an hour ago, I quickly but carefully get off my bed before arranging it as best as I can with my good hand and then rush to Mr Bennett's office.

"I'm so sorry sir I slept off and lost track of time" I start explaining the moment I get in before I notice he's not in his office.

Is he off work? Nah, he usually works overnight, maybe he just went to the toilet or something. I decide to wait for him but after a while I get tired of standing and I refuse to sit in his dusty old waiting chair and his own chair is practically available.

Right as I'm about to walk up to it the door opens and Mr Bennett walks in eyeing me suspiciously before going over to sit in his glorified chair.

"Relic, you were meant to be here an hour and a half ago" he starts while giving me a judging look.

"I'm sorry I just slept off and lost track of time" I chuckle nervously while looking my shoes, he hums in response before he continues.

"I called you here because I have something important to discuss with you" well, this is going to be boring

At least he's not fussing.

"But first of all, how is your hand?" he asks gesturing to my left arm in a concerned tone.

I take it back.

"It's okay" Is my short reply, I just want this conversation to be over, I want to get back to sleep he should just tell me what he wants to tell me.

"What is it you wanted to tell me sir" I say trying to speed up whatever this is.

"Ah, yes, someone is going to come visit you today" before I could ask who and as if on cue, a knock sounds through the door.

Mr Bennett looks at his wrist watch and smiles "Right on time" he says before looking back at the door.

"Come in" he says and the door is opened to reveal a person I never thought or wished I'd ever see again.


Hi again my lovely readers, I'm thinking about making a schedule for when I'm going to be updating, tell me what you think in the comments.

Also who ships Killian and Relic? I know I do 😛.


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