Let's go Home.

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Continuation of flashback.

Things are about to get a little messy.

"Hi there" I chirp as I squeeze in-between the girls.

All their conversation stops as I they all stare at me in disgust, that's not very nice but I can't blame them, my clothes are all covered in mud and I'm holding a hose connected to a water fountain from me and Aubrey's... Operation?.

"Who are you?" A blonde girl asks in disgust and I offer her a smile.

"I'm Relic, can I sit with you?" I ask politely and they all scoff.

"You wish" another girl remarks and they all laugh.

Just before I can respond someone shoves me very harshly out of their sitting circle.

"Get the hell out of here you dirty pig"
A brunet says and I frown.

"That wasn't very nice, I don't want to sit with you anyways" I get up and brush off my body and give them a very serious look carrying the hose up with me.

"You see that tiny little angel over there" I point at Aubrey who's beside the water fountain and she slowly waves at them.

"You hurt her and I want you to apologize" they all look at each other and laugh again.

Dang these girls have a serious laughing problem.

They stop the blonde girl stands up as if sizing me up.

"You both can go to hell" she spits and I grin at her.

I reach for the pipe and put a hand behind my back and make a thumbs up .

"I didn't want to have to do this but you guys aren't giving me that much of a choice.

I raise the hose and point it directly at their sitting forms and right on cue muddy water shoots out of the hose and straight onto them.

They start shrieking hysterically and trying to get up but fall right back down to the floor tripping over each other. It's freaking hilarious.

Pretty soon the muddy water runs out and I immediately drop the hose and hightail it away from them.

I run directly towards Aubrey and grab her and we run and hide behind a huge play house.

I look at Aubrey and we both burst out laughing.

"Did you see the look on their faces?" She giggles and I nod.

"They looked like a bunch of drowning rats" I respond and we laugh again.

I peak out and see the girls already looking for us and I turn back to Aubrey and make a shushing sound placing a finger to my lips.

We go quiet for a while and I hear the girls raining a colourful amount of insults while looking for us and I smirk.

"Oh my God" Aubrey suddenly exclaims and I look at her waiting for her to continue.

"We left poppy" she gives me a pleading look and unfortunately I couldn't say no.

"Stay right here" I tell her before going to retrieve her darn teddy bear.

I see the girls at a far area of the park so I use my ninja skills to make my way to the tree we left poppy.

I grab it and about to make my way back to Aubrey but I freeze in my spot out of fear.

A group of bug burly men dressed in black and carrying guns start filing into the park and before I can blink screams start sounding everywhere as gunshots go off.

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