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I was wondering how we would be able to leave the island but my dumbass didn't think of a helicopter which was taking it's time to land on a helipad that I've never noticed around the facility.

And the frustrating part is I've been standing here for almost fifteen minutes and Alexi is having a lovely chat with Mr Bennett, I catch their gazes wonder to me for a while before they quickly look away.

My stuff had already been taken earlier so I'm just waiting for Alexi to finish up whatever conversation he's having with Mr Bennett just a few feet away from me.

As they finish up the conversation, Alexi's walks over and stand's besides me.

The helicopter finally lands and Alexi makes his way towards it motioning for me to follow him with a flick of his wrist.

I slowly trail behind him until we're right in front of the helicopter.

"Ready?" he asks, finally acknowledging my existence and I reply with a simple nod.

He climbs into the helicopter and I follow suit. I immediately put on my seatbelt and Alexi does the same before the helicopter lifts up into the air as we start our journey to our next destination.

"So, where is this place anyway?" I break the silence with the question that has been plaguing my mind for the past two years.

"It's a private island" he answers.

"Yeah I can see that genius" I hiss. Which earns me a stern look from him.

"You do not speak to me like that" he growls at me in anger, probably because I've bruised his over bloated ego.

"I actually can and I just did" I reply him sweetly while glaring at him before I look out the window, signaling that I'm done with the conversation.

An hour later, we land on another helipad. The moment we step out a black Rolls-Royce phantom is driven right in front of us and as the driver steps out he hands my brother the keys before walking away to get my luggage into the trunk.

Alexi gets in and starts the car while I stay frozen by the passenger door.

I guess this is it.

The horn of the car brings me out of my thoughts as I see Alexi staring at me impatiently.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I get in and slam the door hard hoping to get a dent in the car but unfortunately, I'm not that strong.

Alexi starts the engine and zooms off with alarming speed.

We drive in awkward silence, me being almost suffocated by Alexi's overbearing self and him being his broody, cold self.

At first I get really confused because I'm not familiar with the road we're on, but as time goes by I realize we're actually going home.

Home it feels so weird thinking about it like that, maybe cause I haven't been there for a while but it bugs me to think of it as home.

About two hours later, we arrive at the ridiculously huge mansion I used to call home.

The security here has always been tight, no one is ever allowed in without being searched except of course the residents of the damn giant place.

Alexi rolls his window down and once the guard sees him he immediately punches the code to the gate before it automatically opens up.

We drive in and Alexi goes straight to the garage where he parks and we finally get out.

There are more vehicles in this place that than a person actually needs. I guess sometimes my family just love to show off their wealth.

Alexi starts walking and I suddenly remember something.

"Alexi my stuff are still in the trunk" he looks at me before looking at the car and then back at me, creepy, I know.

"I'll have it sent up to your room" he replies before walking off.

I roll my eyes at his back and start walking behind him.

My hands get sweaty, my stomach churns and my nerves spark as I think of how my encounter with my family would be after all these years.

By the time I get to the front door, I see them all, all of them. Levi who was the second oldest after Alexi has a disturbed and annoyed look on his face making me guess that he doesn't want me here, well the jokes on him because I don't want to be here myself.

Next I see Solace, he looks blank, his face void of any emotion just like dad, they don't even care.

Then there's Ezra and Ellis, the twins, both of them are birds of a feather even though they fight most of the time, they agree on almost the same thing all the time after every bicker.

Right now both of them look like they're trying to control themselves from jumping up and maiming me.

And then finally, Atlas, I was closer to him before I left, but right now he doesn't even want to look at me.

I finally spot mom on the verge of tears and my own tears gather in my eyes.

Without thinking I run to hug her, ignoring the rest of the emotionless men around us.

She meets me half way and pulls me into a bone crushing hug but I don't mind, I've missed her so so much.

"Relic my little cupcake" she sobs quietly as she pulls out and looks at me as if she's commiting every detail of my face to memory.

"Mom, you know I don't like it when you call me that" I whine in between sobs and she laughs softly.

"I've missed you so much" she says ignoring my comment.

"Me too mom" I reply and she pulls me into another short hug before pulling out to look at me again as if she can't believe I'm here which makes me giggle.

"You've grown so much" she starts as she leads me into the house, we walk past my dad and brothers and I can swear I catch a glimpse of sadness, longing and admiration in their eyes but it's gone just as fast as it came.

Well I'm not here for them, mom is happy to see me and that's all I need right now.


Hey guys, i updated early this time because I felt bad for the last chapter so enjoy 😊


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