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Monsters, that's what Relic called us earlier, monsters.

I can't blame her though, we turned a cold shoulder to her when she needed us the most but, we did it to protect her and she can't know that.

Knowing the real reason we sent her here would make her hate us more than she already does and would also put her in grave danger.

We just couldn't risk her knowing that we couldn't keep her safe with us, and when we got a call that our little sister had been charged with murder, we couldn't believe it.

But we took that as an alternative to keep her safe, the plan was that on her way to the correctional facility, we put up a road block to get her to the Mafia protection center to protect her from our rivals.

But unfortunately things didn't go as planned, the cars that were supposed to put up a road block for the police got ambushed and they couldn't make it.

We managed to get Relic to the Mafia protection center days after but the damage was already done and she had been traumatized by the things she was subjected to at the correctional facility.

All the kids at this protection center are children of our high rankings Mafia me and all of them were in danger one way or the other and just like Relic, none of them know that their family are in the Mafia.

And it is going to stay that way until their families decided to let them know, same goes for Relic.

Mom was completely against it but we got her to see the reason behind our decision, Relic had to be kept safe no matter what.

But last week Mom found out she had cancer and she doesn't have much time left, she threw a fit going on about how she wanted to spend her last few months with her daughter and even threatened to get her out of their and to a place where we would never see her again.

Of course none of us want that so here I am, the one who unfortunately has to come see a sister that wants nothing to do with us and I have to convince her to come with me or make her hate me even more than she already does by taking her away against her with.

God this is a shitty task.

I look around the small office I've been sitting in for the past hour thinking of how to get Relic to come with me.

Bennett even sensed how tensed I was and went out to give me some space.

I stand up about to open the door and go look for her when it's slammed hardly into my nose, making me almost double in pain.

"Damn it" I hiss holder onto my nose and looking at the person who had unknowingly attacked me with a door.

"I'm coming with you" I stare in shock at Relic's words but quickly cover it up while taking my had of my nose.

"That's good" I reply nonchalantly, trying my best not to show any emotion.

Relic's POV.

I stare at Alexi in pure annoyance, how can he act like such a prick when I'm practically making his task easier for him?

"Do you need anything else"? he asks with that goddamn cold voice.

"No, when are we leaving"? I ask with as much coldness as I can mutter in my voice.

"In an hour".

I nod my head before I leave the office and head straight to my room.

I find River on her bed reading a book and I immediately jump on it and pull her into a bone crushing hug.

"Wow, what's the occasion?" I laugh and and pull out if the hug and look at her. I can't believe this might be the last time I see her again.

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