Mafia family?

32 5 3

I watch mom's chest rise and fall as she sleeps peacefully and I can't help but just stare at her.

She's so strong, I can't imagine how it feels like to be battling cancer and I don't even know how to help her get through it.

After we shaved our heads I led her to her bed where she cried her eyes out on my shoulder with me comforting her till she fell asleep then I positioned her to lie down.

I stand up and make my way out of the room slowly opening and closing it so she doesn't wake up.

Just as I turn, I'm met face to face with my father and his cold emotionless eyes meet my sad ones.

"Where is... Oh God what did you do with your hair?" He asks shocked by the lack of hair on my head. His question has my blood boiling in anger for some reason.

"Where have you been?" I ask him my voice furious.

"Your wife has literally been breaking down because of cancer and you're out doing God knows what and instead she has to go through everything alone" I say seething.

He trys to speak but I cut him off angrily.

"If you can't be a good father at least try to be a good husband" I turn around and walk away from him and I hear a harsh sigh escape from him.

I really wish our conversations aren't always like this.

I go to the media room and luckily for me I find none of my brothers there so I start playing a video game.

I was really good before I left so I hope I still got it.

An hour later I'm lost in blasting off zombies heads when the TV suddenly goes blank.

"Hey, what the hell." I protest while Levi stands Infront of the TV holding the chord with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Language young lady, mom wouldn't wanna hear you cussing." He scolds and I just roll my eyes at him.

"I didn't know you could play." He says after a few seconds of me glaring at him.

"Yeah, there's actually a lot you don't know about me" I say and give him a smile, hurt flashes through his eyes but it's gone as it comes.

He's about to say something but does a double take at my shaved head as he stares at me like I've gone crazy.

"What the fuck happened to your hair" he asks appaled and I roll my eyes.

"Mom wouldn't wanna hear you cussing." I sass and get off the been bag I was sitting on about to leave the media room when he quickly stands Infront of me.

"You didn't have to do this for mom." He says slowly making me smile.

"I know." I reply and finally walk out of the room.

I decide to explore the huge ass house I live in.

I've only been to five places since I got here, my room, the main living room, the kitchen, mom's room, Levi's room and the dining room, oh and the media room making it six.

I walk around for a few minutes before deciding to go to dad's office.

For as long as I can remember I have been banned from that office.

It's quite questionable since I'm the only one not allowed in there. What are they hiding?

I go in and it's huge as fuck. It is so big with a huge shiny mahogany desk at the far end and a comfy looking leather chair behind it. Two chairs sit facing each other Infront of the desk then there's a laptop and a ton of papers arranged neatly on the desk.

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