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Relic's POV

Looking at someone you used to look up to, used to love and cherish hurts, it hurts because the same person that used to treat me like a prescious gem, that used to adore me and would do anything for me, turned his back on me without a care in the world when I needed him the most, left me alone without a care in the world to be sent to this shit hole.

Now standing in front of him, my brother, the only thing I can possibly think about is the resentment that I hold towards him.

"What is he doing here?" I manage to say with my teeth gritted against each other, without waiting for him to respond, I make my way out of the office, I don't want to hear anything he has to say, he's probably here to make my my stay here even worse than it already is.

"Move" I snarl eyeing his stupid giant body that's blocking the door. I wish I was one of those people who would be happy to see their brother, I used to be one of those people but he went ahead and ruined it.

Despite my rude request, my brother  still stands there like a stiff log of wood.

"Move the hell out my way now" I yell while shoving him back with my good arm but he doesn't budge, he grabs my good arm while staring at the broken one.

"I thought I told you to take good care of her" my Alexi's cold voice ring's across the room making Mr Bennett pale a few shade's before he composes himself.

"Take care of me? Who told you I need your care? I say glaring daggers into his eyes, and once again, he only blankly stares.

"Mr Dinero, please have a seat" Mr Bennett's says, avoiding Alexi's statement and not even bothering to offer me a seat because, obviously, I won't sit on one of those ancient things.

"No thank you, I won't be here very long"

"Hallelujah" I yell sarcastically earning me a warning gaze from Mr Bennett and a small chuckle from Alexi.

"You're here to take Relic home, right?" My eyes nearly bulge out of my eyes at Mr Bennett's words, home? With my whole family? The people who abandoned me, neglected me?.

No, I am never going back there, I'd rather rot in hell than go back there.

"No, you are not taking me there, I am not going to go back to you monsters" For just a moment, I see a flash of pain in Alexi's eyes when I said the words monsters, but it came just as fast as it went making me think that I imagined it.

"Relic, it's not your decision" Mr Bennett says sharply.

"Dad thinks it's time you come home, he thinks you've learnt your lesson but I don't think you have, left to me, I would've had you spend another year" Alexi says coldly not giving a care about whether or not I get hurt by his words.

"Listen to me, I am not going with you weather it's the last thing I do, I can't bear to live with the people who so casually left me when I needed them the most, left me without even glancing back, I will never go with you, and if you try to force me and we do get there, I will make your lives literal living hell" I scream.

I don't notice I'm crying until a single tear falls to the floor.

I look up to find Mr Bennett giving me a sympathetic look and Alexi with the oh so annoying blank look in his eyes, and to be honest, it hurt to know that he didn't care.

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