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Relic's POV.

Mom led me up to my room earlier and told me to get some sleep because I looked like I ran all the way here, but I couldn't get any sleep.

My room had been completely changed while I was gone, and I must say I'm very very grateful to the person that did that, probably mom.

Before I left, my room was an embarrassingly bright shade of pink which had been changed to a beige color, the room had posters and stickers of princesses, my reading table has been replaced with a dark blue dresser and the literal princess bed I had is now a dark blue king sized bed.

The corner where my toys used to be together with my unicorn beanbag had been replaced with two love seats and a more mature looking beanbag and a big soft carpet brought the room all together.

I look at the door that leads to my walk-in closet and I'm not surprised to see it stocked with clothes, mom really didn't need to, there's an insane amount of dresses in here and I'm not even going close to them.

It's been so long since I've been gone and mom probably thinks I'm the girly girl I used to be.

Actually I was never one to begin with, I just did what ever my family wanted, without question and without a doubt because I thought they cared for me and would also do anything for me when I needed them.

But I was so terribly wrong.

My whole life they've been lying to me, before I was taken I had never left this place, not once in my life because I wasn't allowed to do so.

I was homeschooled and there was security everywhere making sure I never got out and I never questioned them.

They said it was for my own good, that there was danger behind the gates of our home.

I believed them for a while, even though I got jealous because my brothers got to go out, they went to normal school, parties and playdates while I was kept inside like some fragile egg.

In time I began to try and sneak out but I always got caught by those bloody guards but my curiosity was far too strong to be held down.

I can still remember the day a twelve year old me finally managed to sneak out like it was yesterday.


I have been planning my escape for a week now I can finally act out my plan.

Solace, Ellis, Ezra and Atlas are at school and Levi just finished high school so he's gone with dad and Alexi to get him accustomed to some work at dads company.

Mom is out with some of her friends and I'm left here alone with my annoyingly fussy nanny and a bunch of brooding guards, how annoying.

But today is going to change all that, my plan is pretty simple, I'm going to set the main living room on fire which will trigger an alarm.

Once everyone is here trying to put it out I'll get my chance to sneak out.

I got some gasoline from the garage and a lighter from the kitchen, it's just going to be the couches on fire.

Nothing much, I just have to hope it distracts them for a long time.

I hide the items behind the door of the living room as I see  a help cleaning up the mess my brothers made before they left for school.

"Let me help you with that" I smile as I take the vacuum cleaner she's currently using from her hands.

" Re..lic I d...don't think that's a... appropriate" she stutters with pure horror written all over her face.

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