A Balmoral Summer Bliss

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Summer 2019

"What are they telling the press now?" Eleanor asked Elizabeth as they sit inside the sunroof drawing room at Balmoral Castle.

"They're saying that they declined my invitation for spending the summer at Balmoral," Elizabeth shakes her head.

"Well, they can't decline an invitation if they haven't been invited," Eleanor sipped her tea before continuing. "What was their reason?"

"Archie is too young to travel," Elizabeth lightly smirked, knowing that Eleanor is about to lose her shit.

"What kind of, excuse my language, bullshit is that?" Eleanor spluttered out, furrowing her eyebrows. "They brought him along for a trip to Ibiza and later on to France, but can't bring him up to Scotland? Do they think that people are dumb?"

"Let's not dwell on matters as insignificant as this, darling," Elizabeth patted Eleanor's knee. "Look on the bright side, we'll have a very quiet and peaceful summer, hm?"

"You're absolutely right," Eleanor sighed. "Have Will and Kate arrived yet? Aidan has been asking about when he gets to 'play with Lou' again."

"They should be here any time now," Elizabeth sipped her lukewarm tea. "Where are the children and James?"

"They're taking a ride around the grounds on their bikes," Eleanor said. "I'm sorry we couldn't be here earlier and stay with you while you were at Craigowan. I know how much you loved it when the house is full."

"Don't be silly, It was nice to have some time just been Philip and I. With him staying at Wood Farm while I do my duties, I cherish the times that I do spend them with Philip," Elizabeth smiles.

"Well, you've been married for 72 years," Eleanor said. "Are you excited to spend your days with him after you abdicate?"

"I'm ready to live my last few years with my husband and hopefully die peacefully next to him as well."

As Elizabeth said that, Eleanor got up from her seat and put herself next to Elizabeth to hug her tightly.

"That is all we hope and pray for, Gran," Eleanor rarely called Elizabeth Gran or Granny since she much preferred calling her Elizabeth, but at that moment, all Eleanor saw was a tired old woman who just wants to live out the rest of her days with her husband that she loves and cherish.

"How's Sleeping Beauty going along?" Elizabeth asked Eleanor once their heartfelt moment was over and Eleanor moved back to her original seat.

"It's going great," Eleanor said. "I've had rehearsals three times a week. Mostly at night after dinner. They would come over and we would rehearse for a few hours before calling it a night."

"Was it different than when you were dancing in New York?" Elizabeth asked, genuinely curious since she has no dancing bones in her body what-so-ever.

"It's definitely different," Eleanor laughed. "Back then, even though I was born in a very well-known family, they didn't care and would shout at me if I did any move wrongly. Now, they're afraid of even criticizing me if my posture was off by a centimetre. I am getting better and learning the steps faster with all the rehearsals we've been having."

"Well, I can't wait to watch you perform. Are the children excited as well?" Elizabeth asked.

"Amelia and Adelaide are excited. Aidan doesn't know what ballet is, he just knows that 'mummy dance for Dan'" Eleanor laughed.

"When are you announcing that you'll be performing Sleeping Beauty for opening night?" Elizabeth sipped her tea.

"Maybe sometime in early October?" Eleanor said. "I'm still not entirely sure when to announce it, or maybe just keep it a secret until the night before Opening Night."

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