Chapter Thirty. Please tell me you're never gonna leave

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No one in the station got to see Izzy in the next couple of days; even Eryn didn't know what was going on with her sister, in the meantime Izzy was having a hard time thanks to Philip.

Izzy wasn't able to see it before, but Philip was in love with her, so much that he got jealous because of Bill immediately. As soon as she stepped into the house after finding Henry she was given an ultimatum. Philip had pictures of Bill going out of his apartment building and Eryn hanging out with some friends on campus; yes, he had her pinned to the wall.

She had only once seen him so angry, but she promised not to get off the rails again and tried to explain to him that she had been worried for the kid, regardless, Philip didn't care: he was jealous and blinded by his anger.

"You see this man again, Elizabeth," he pointed at one of the pictures, "and they're both dead." He threw the pictures at her face.

She tried to stay calmed and she did her best not to make things worse with Philip as she tried to spend a lot of time out of his sight. She went to her father's office and helped around, talking as little as possible to her father and trying not to bump into Joseph. She visited Gi a lot and made sure to go to bed early so she wouldn't have to spend too much time with Philip.

Izzy didn't know it, but Bill and Georg had taken the fall for her little slip, so now Schafer was keeping an eye on them until they finished all the paperwork and then maybe he'd assign them another case, they had found the man Michelle described, it was a friend of Godfrey's and the case was almost closed, but upstairs no one liked how it had been handled...

She had dinner with Philip a little over a week after running away to Godfrey's place. He was still angry and she could see it, she had completely forgotten how they'd become friends and even dated, she saw nothing of that patient, nice guy she had allowed to kiss her. She thought it had just been the first of her mistakes; she should have never given up on Bill.

"Are you sick or something?" Philip asked her as she cut down a piece of chicken. She shook her head and remained with a blank expression. "Then why are you going to bed so early?"

Izzy cleared her throat as if she was about to talk but instead she just shrugged. Philip dropped the fork and knife loudly on the table.

"And you won't speak either... Jesus, what do you want?" Philip felt angry as Izzy apologised.

"I'm sorry, I just... I've been feeling a little under the weather, that's all." She smiled at him and reached out to touch his hand, but he pulled away quickly.

Without a word more they kept eating in silence and later Izzy had to take a sleeping pill so she could rest as Philip held her close, which usually had her getting paranoid and stress more than sleep.

In the morning Izzy helped Lea clean up the dishes after breakfast and as she was about to pick up the cups of remaining cold tea and coffee from the table she heard Philip calling out for her. She turned to Lea and pointed up with a small smile.

"Don't worry ma'am, I've got this." Lea thanked her, in Parker's house no one ever helped pick anything up, it was weird for her to see Izzy helping her although Izzy was used to it. "And do not worry about Mr. Philip, he's always had a bad temper but I'm sure he'll come through." Izzy understood that Lea had heard what happened last night during dinner. She smiled and nodded before going upstairs still in her robe.

"Yes?" She peeked into Philip's bedroom. He was staring at the mirror as he tied his tie. "You need help with that?" Izzy asked him as she leaned on the edge of the footboard, taking shy little steps.

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