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On a rainy and stormy night. In the Tomioka household.

Miss Tomioka gave birth to a child born with unique marks on his face. His eyes a beautiful deep ocean blue with crimson red mixed in. When looking at her child she couldn't stop but smile at her beautiful new born son. Together with her husband they decided to name the child Giyu.

5 years later.

Giyu Tomioka was playing with his older sister Tsutako when all of a sudden their mother called for Giyu. [Giyu now had pitch black spiky hair that had fiery red stripes mixed in which went perfectly with his deep ocean blue and crimson red eye's]

Giyu 5 years old: Mommy is something wrong.

Giyu's mom: Giyu my darling mommy and daddy have to talk about something with you.

That's it for the prologue sorry for cutting it off short but I kind of wanted to add some wonder to this story and for you the reader to have something to theorise over.

Giyu Tomioka. Yoriichi's successorWhere stories live. Discover now