Chapter 13

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As the group arrived at the chief's house they where surprised to see that  Tecchin was already waiting for them.

Tecchin: Welcome to the swordsmith village. I know you might be confused as to why I am personally greeting you but I felt as if it was the right thing to do, greeting the people who will protect us the upcoming day's or weeks.

Shinobu: Arigato Tecchin-sama.

Mitsuri: Arigato.

Muichiro: Where am I again.

Tanjiro: You're at the swordsmith village Muichiro-kun.

Muichiro: Ah okay.

Shinobu: Tecchin-sama would you perhaps have any  housing space available for us?

Tecchin: Of course I do however it is a 2 bedroom house so you might have to share a bedroom.

Shinobu: Arigato Tecchin-sama we will gladly take it.

Mitsuri: Kyaaaa we get to sleep together in the same room Shinobu-chan.

Tanjiro: Muichiro we are sharing a room isnt that exciting.

Muichiro: Who are you again and why are you excited about sharing a room with me?

Tanjiro: I am Tanjiro and am excited to share a room with you so we can get to become friends.

Muichiro: Ah okay.

Tecching: I already have someone who will bring you to your housing.

Mitsuri: Let's go.

Shinobu: You guy's can go ahead I have something private to discuss with Tecchin-sama first.

Mitsuri: Oh okay see you soon Shinobu-chan.

After Mitsuri, Muichiro, Nezuko who was still in her box and Tanjiro left Shinobu turned around to look at Tecchin.

Shinobu: Tecchin-sama there is something I would like to talk to you about.

Tecchin: Of course Kocho-san what is it you need to talk about.

Shinobu: Well you see the current water hashira never got to choose his ore for a blade and till this day still uses the same blade he received from his teacher for final selection which happened 8 year's ago.

Tecchin: I see and you would like someone to make a blade for him?

Shinobu: I would really appreciate it if you could make the blade for him as he is someone very special to me.

Tecchin: Very well then Kocho-san.

Shinobu: Arigato Tecchin-sama.

Tecchin: Please come back here tomorrow to choose an ore for his blade.

Shinobu with a lot of excitement: Hai.

Tecchin: I will see you tomorrow then.

Shinobu: See you tomorrow.

After this Shinobu was guided to where she and the other's where staying.

Mitsuri: Shinobu-chan you're back.

Mitsuri launched herself towards Shinobu crashing into her and hugging her tight. 

Shinobu: Mitsuri too tight.

Mitsuri: Ah gomen.

Tanjiro: Welcome Shinobu-san.

Shinobu: Thank you Tanjiro-kun. How is Nezuko doing by the way.

Tanjiro: Nezuko is doing great.

Muichiro: Where am I again?

Shinobu: You're at the swordsmith village for a mission together with us.

Muichiro: Ah okay.

Shinobu: How about we make dinner together.

Tanjiro: But Shinobu-san you can't cook.

Shinobu in a slightly angry and threatening voice: Mind repeating that Tanjiro-kun.

Tanjiro: Nothing Shinobu-san nothing.

Muichiro: What's going on?

Mitsuri: Nothing to worry about Muichiro-kun.

After they all made dinner together they went to the dinning area.

Mitsuri: Kyaaaaa the food is sooo good.

Tanjiro: Yeah the food is good.

Muichiro: The food is yummy.

Shinobu: See I can help cook.

Shinobu didn't really do much other then just stir the pot.

Shinobu: I think we should all go to bed early so we can patrol the village starting from tomorrow evening.

Everyone agreed with Shinobu. Tanjiro and Muichiro went to their shared room and Mitsuri and Shinobu went to their shared room.

The next morning Shinobu woke up early to go to Tecchin to choose an ore for Giyu's nichirin blade. When she arrived at Tecchin's house he was already waiting for her.

Tecchin: Good morning Kocho-san.

Shinobu: Good morning Tecchin-sama.

Tecchin: Are you excited to choose an ore.

Shinobu: Yes I am.

Tecchin guided Shinobu to a room and made a sign for her to sit down. Shinobu sat down and before her was a table with a cloth covering the ore.

Shinobu: I wasn't expecting this.

Tecchin: Well seeing as the water hashira seems to be very special to you I thought it might be nice to make it a bit special.

As Tecchin removed the cloth covering the ore, Shinobu was shocked at the beauty of the ores presented to her.

Shinobu: I don't know which one to choose they are all so beautiful looking. 

Tecchin: Feel free to take your time in choosing an ore.

Shinobu was looking at the deep ocean blue ore that reminded her of Giyu's water breathing. As she was about to choose it something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. As she looked at it she knew that was the ore she had to pick.

That's it for chapter 13. Yes am leaving this on a cliff hanger cause why the hell not also feel free to speculate as to what caught Shinobu's attention and write it down in the comment's. Like always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you find any spelling mistakes please let me know.

Giyu Tomioka. Yoriichi's successorWhere stories live. Discover now