Chapter 20

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Let's follow Kanroji, Tanjiro, Genya and Nezuko.

Kanroji: Tanjiro-kun do you think Nezuko would be able to fight aswell we might have to end up needing her help if there are more demons?

Tanjiro: I don't know.

Genya: You have a sister?

Tanjiro: Yeah she is in the box I am carrying on my back.

Genya: Oh that is weird why is she in the box?

Tanjiro: Well she got turned into a demon but she doesn't eat humans so she is an ally.

Genya: Oh okay.

(Genya's personality could be different then what his canon personality is.)

After some time they finally caught up to a wrinkled and old looking demon with a melon for a forehead.

Genya sees the demon and points at it. 

Genya: Mitsuri there.

???: Aaaaah get away from me!!!

Kanroji: I wasn't expecting an uppermoon demon.

Tanjiro: Mitsuri we will help in whatever way possible.

Kanroji: Thank you Tanjiro-kun.

Kanroji charges towards the upper moon and slices at its head chopping it off.

Kanroji: That felt too easy something feels off about this uppermoon.

As Kanroji says this the demon splits into multiple ones.

Ill cut this chapter short and release it here so i can focus on the combat scene in the next chapter am so sorry for this extremely late chapter i have had my motivation drained due to the scale of the upcoming fighting scene. I fully understand if people are disappointed at me for releasing this chapter in this way but i need to find some motivation to write the figthing scene.

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