Chapter 1: Last Seen 4 Months Ago

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Peter was back here again. He couldn't help himself. It's the only place he could go. It's the only place he could see her. It was now the end of Winter and nearing the beginning of Spring.

He's lost people before. His mom, dad... His uncle. But none of them had hit as hard as this one.

He was standing in front of a grave with the name plastered across it, 'Gwen Stacy'.

It was as if he just couldn't feel anymore. He had lost all hope the second she died. In his mind, he never even blamed Harry. He blamed himself. If only he was faster. If only he was smarter... If only he listened to her dad. She would've still been alive.

He would visit her grave everyday, not saying anything. Sometimes, he would break into tears, others he was just stand and stare at it...

He felt a presence behind him. He knew who it was. He was the only man he ever met that could make the air change in his bare presence. The man himself. He moved his head slightly to the side, "What're you doing here, Bruce?"

Bruce Wayne. Also known as the Batman. The 2 had been great friends since the year before. After Kraven The Hunter began hunting him, he needed combat skills. And luckily, Kraven was hunting in Gotham too. Batman trained him and eventually, he managed to defeat Kraven.

Bruce saw Peter as an extraordinary kid. He was kind. He was funny. He was... Inspiring. He was smart too, smarter than even him, and Peter is still pretty much a teenager. He saw Peter as a mirror to himself in a way. He lost both his parents at a young age, which was something Bruce could relate too. Sure it wasn't as bad as watching them die in front of your eyes, but nonetheless.

Bruce most importantly admired him. After everything Peter goes through, he always finds a way to get back up. He truly earned the names "SPECTACULAR" and "AMAZING". Peter also, believe it or not, was one of the first people he revealed his identity to. Same thing could be said for Peter.

But now, Bruce had noticed the mysterious disappearance of the Spider-Man, and after finding out who this supposed "Hob Goblin" was, he knew it couldn't be good. And after a long time of investigating, he found out why.

Bruce was standing in a black and white suit behind him with his car parked in the street. "Been a while, hasn't it, Peter?" Peter looked back in front of him and at the grave, not answering or replying. Bruce could see he was hurt. Now, Peter had endured quite a few loses in his life, but he had never seen him like this. "No witty comeback?" Bruce asked. Still no answer.

Bruce sighed, "I know what-"

"-It's like?" Peter completed, as if he heard all this before, which he did. " 'I know what you've been through'... 'I understand'... It's all the same..."

"You don't know what I've been through, Peter." Bruce replied as he took a step forward. He didn't feel any type of rising anger towards Peter. He knew he was hurting.

Peter again, moved his head to the side to look at Bruce, still not moving his body and hands out of his pockets, "I know what you've been through. You told me... But not this... You never felt the love of your life dying in your arms, soon after you confessed you'll go wherever she goes... You were never so close to saving the one you love, only for her to die anyway... You never felt... the warmth leave her body as you held her, begging her to wake up. If you have, then we'll talk." Peter expressed angrily.

Bruce looked down, as if he was wondering what to say next, but he knew already. He walked up to the side of Peter and took a deep breath, "Her name... was Martha Wayne." Peter looked at Bruce, with both sympathy and surprise in his mind, but giving no emotion in his face. Bruce continued, "It might not have happened exactly how you put it but... it was similar." Peter looked back at the grave slowly, "Look, Peter... the city needs you. YOUR city needs Spider-Man."

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