The Deal

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Brooklyn; September 22nd; 19:52 EDT

The team flew across the sky in M'gann's flying ship. All of them were geared up and prepared. This was probably one of their most important missions yet. If the symbiote got out, who knows what damage it could cause.

Artemis had refilled her quiver. Robin's cape was back and he had his gadgets resupplied as well. They had all had enough time to heal up.

Artemis looked to her left and saw Spider-Man with his mask off. He had it in his hands and looked down at it. She noticed he was clearly thinking hard about something. She moved her chair closer to him, "You alright?" she asked.

He glanced up at her then back down at the mask, "I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." He turned his chair towards her, "The symbiote can cure Harry. All his problems could go away in an instant if I can just get the symbiote and hand it to him..."

"And what's the problem?"

"M'gann didn't tell you already? The alien species the symbiote is is capable of destroying this world. And that's just what one of them can do..."

"So you know what could happen if you give the symbiote to Harry, but you wanna do it anyway?"

"No." He sighed, "We don't know exactly what would happen if a symbiote bonded with a human. Problem is, is it's too... unpredictable on what could happen. I... I don't want my best friend to die..."

She could see his eyes tearing up. She put a hand on his, "I may not have been on the team for very long or known you for very long... but I can tell you'll make the right choice. Whatever it will be." He finally looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile, "You'll figure it out."

The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a couple seconds. In that moment it was just the two of them. Artemis noticed how close the two of them were and quickly backed up, blushing.

Peter let out a huff then put his mask back on. He faced forward again. Now's the time, Pete. You've been wanting to do this forever.

He leaned towards her, "Hey, Artemis?"

"Yeah?" She replied, not sharing a glance with him.

"I was wondering... It might be awkward to ask now, but..." She finally looked at him, "Uhhh... You maybe wanna go out sometime?"

Her eyes widened, "You're right. This is an awkward time to ask."

"I just thought I wouldn't really have any time to ask after this and it would just be weird..."

"Then again if you were to ask me after this anyway it would still be weird."

He let out an awkward laugh, "Haha... Yeah... Well sorry if-

Artemis quickly spun towards him and put her hands up to stop him, "No, no, no. It's alright... Uhhh..." She looked around and noticed that the entire team quickly turned away when they saw that they noticed their staring. She looked back at Peter, "Yeah... I don't see why no." she finally told him. 

Spider-Man gave a wide smile and M'gann suddenly yelled out, "Finally!"

Spider-Man burst out in laughter and Artemis faced forward again, trying to ignore his laughter.

Robin chimed in, "You have no idea how long we've been waiting for you to do that." 

Artemis sighed, "Okay, can we move on now before I think this is a bad idea!"

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