The Osborn Curse

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22 August; 03:13 PM; Central Park

Harry sat on a park bench as MJ and Peter stood in front of him. Harry had just told MJ what he told Peter and se was completely befuddled. She was frozen and didn't know how to respond. Peter had his hands on his hips as Harry's hands were folded together. "...Wh....What do you have?" she asked.

"...It's called Oshtoran Syndrome. It's a rare genetic disorder that affects the brain and body." He finally looked up at MJ in the eyes, "My mom died from it too..." He began fiddling with his fingers, "...Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree then."

"A-and this symbiote was the thing that was gonna cure you?" she asked.

"It was gonna keep it at bay. You can imagine it as sort of... putting the disease in a cage. It wouldn't be able to get out and do anymore damage and I'd be healthy again. If I were to have unbonded with the symbiote afterwards the disease would come back." Harry explained as he fiddled with his fingers. 

"... How long you have left?" She then asked.

"About a couple weeks."

MJ brushed her hand through her hair as she turned around to take a breath, "...And you didn't even care to tell us?"

"Because today I was gonna bond with the symbiote and this wouldn't even be a problem! But someone stole it and... I might as well not keep it a secret anymore." Harry said as he got up to defend himself.

MJ spun around and looked at Peter, "And you?? Don't you have anything to say about this? He's your best friend and he kept this secret from you for who knows how long!"

Peter sighed, "And I can't blame. We all have secrets..." he said, giving her a look.

Harry noticed the look and his face was filled with confusion, "Okay. I'm not gonna even ask about what they meant... You 2 aren't dating again are you?"

Both spun towards him, "WHAT?" they both yelled at the same time.

Harry stepped back, "Okay, so that's a no." he muttered to himself.

MJ sighed and she put her fingers against her forehead before he began to massage it, "Okay if it's gone..." She stopped and looked back up at them, "Then we have to find it again."

Harry began to laugh, "You're joking right?" he asked. She shook her head and his smile quickly faded, "You don't think I've tried that already? It was impossible to insert some form of tracking system into the symbiote."

"Maybe we could find who stole it?" Peter suggested.

Harry shook his head again, "I've had the best of the best people looking at the footage and any trace for who might have stolen it and so far and there's no leads." 

Harry's phone suddenly began to ring. he took his phone out and answered it, "Hello?... yes I'll be right there... Okay, bye." he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket, "The doctor. Gotta run." he said. He turned around and was about to rush off when MJ held him back by his hand. 

"You're not gonna die, Har... I promise..."

A small smile appeared on his face, "I hope so." he said before he then walked off.

MJ sighed as she turned to face Peter, "You know how to find it, don't you?" she asked.

He nodded his head, "Me and M'gann went in there alone. I'm first gonna talk to her and ask her. But if I'm right... We might've been followed that night."

"Followed? By who?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

"Who's the only person that can follow ME of all people without me noticing, AND break into an almost impenetrable building WITHOUT there being any trace of them?" He told her.

She thought about it and when she realized, she let out another sigh of annoyance, "Why in the world would Black Cat want an alien??" she questioned.

"Felicia doesn't do these types of things without getting a reward for it. I'm gonna find out who wants it and how they know about it." Peter said before he began to walk off.

"Well tell me what you find out." MJ said as he rushed off.


Spider-Man landed atop a building with his backpack still over his back. He threw it onto the ground before taking his phone out. He then scrolled own to M'gann's contact number. He put his phone against his ear as he looked around to see if anyone was nearby and could be listening in.

The phone rang for a while before her voice answered, "Hey, Peter. What's up?"

"M'gann. Be honest with me. Did you take it?"

"Take what?"

"The symbiote, M'gann! It was stolen the night of out little visit! And you are the only one I told, so just please be straight with me."

"Peter. You know I would never do something like that! And the symbiote is gone?? How was it even stolen?"

"I don't know. The person left no trace behind. But I have a feeling who-"

"Black cat."

"What gave it away?"

"Top secret basement with valuable object. Nearly impossible to get into. And no traces were left behind. That's Black Cat's whole thing."

Peter let out a chuckle, "I'm gonna give her a call."

"Think she'll answer?"

"Hopefully. Talk to you later." He then hung up. He scrolled down to Felicia's contact before he put his phone against his ear.

The dial rang...

And rang...

And rang...

And rang...

And rang...

Finally it answered. "Spiderr, I was wondering when you'd call."

"Felicia. Tell me what did you do?" He questioned.

"You're probably asking me 'what did I do'?" It was her voicemail. Peter sighed as he massaged his forehead from annoyance. "SO I'll answer your question. Yes, I stole that symbiote you and your little Martian friend were talking about." His eyes widened, "Don't worrry. I didn't hear anything I wasn't supposed to. I don't wanna ruin any surprises for myself. If you're wondering why I stole the symbiote. THAT I cannot say. How I found out about the symbiote? Let's just say... you aren't the only one that spilled the beans about the symbiote. How I knew to follow you? Honestly... purely coincidence. BUT anyways, it's been a nice ride, Spider. Helping you with Kingpin and all. But he's forgotten about me. he's putting all he's attention on you, but I doubt you've heard all the rumors about what he's planning for you, but I doubt you'll hear about it anytime soon. Goodbye, Spider."

Peter's hand slowly dropped as he was left speechless and filled with anger. He turned around and threw his phone off the building. Quickly realizing what he had just done and that he doesn't have the money to get another phone, he quickly shot a web at it and pulled it back to his hand. 

He had no idea what to do next. First he has to deal with Kingpin, AND he has to deal with the symbiote being stolen AND most importantly... Harry's dying.

There was one thing he knew. Felicia wouldn't still something like this without doing it for money. So she was hired. But by who?

AND, now he's pretty much 90% sure that he knows Fisk Industries is being run by Kingpin. But how would he get close?

Peter sighed as he walked over to the edge of the building. There's nowhere left to go. There's no leads as to who could have spilled the beans about the symbiote. There's no leads as to who Black Cat might've gave the symbiote to. Taking down Kingpin's warehouses will only get me so far. And so far, by the looks of it, it's just been a mild annoyance. 

That's when Spider-Man felt his phone ring again. He answered the call and put the phone back against his ear, "Hello?" he greeted.

"M'gann told me you needed some help."


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