The Jungle and A VERY Old Friend

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Carribean Sea; July 22nd, 20:08 ECT

The team were now sitting in the BioShip in their own suits where they were en-route to their first official mission. "We're approaching Santa Prisca." Miss Martian told them. 

Santa Prisca...

Spider-Man had thought back to the debrief.

Back at the debrief in Mount Justice,

"Isla Santa Prisca." Batman told them. He was showing the team a map of the island who were all standing behind him and watching. Wally was eating chips as well. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid. A strength-enhancing drug, sold under the street name Venom." The display in front of them switched to show shots of the warehouse. "Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in." He now turned to them, "This is a covert, recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." He turned back to the display as it switched back to the map of the island. "The plan requires two drop zones." he continued as the drop zones appeared on the map

"So who's in charge?" Dick asked, making Batman and red Tornado, who was standing at Batman's side, whip around to face him. The 2 leaguers exchanged glances.

"Work that out between you." Batman ordered them. Robin nodded his head with a smile.

Batman then turned to Peter, "Also, you will be meeting another associate there to help with the mission. I believe Peter and him are old friends." he said.

Superboy thought it was outrageous, "What happened to us going in solo?" he questioned.

"You can still go in solo. This man has been dealing with these drug as well. If you wish to work with him. Fine. If you wish not to? Even better. He's been chasing these people longer than we have, so do not screw up this mission. Especially for him." Batman explained. Peter just had one thought on his mind... Who was the old friend?

Back in present day,

Peter had a smile on his face from the thought of seeing an old friend. "Drop zone A in 30." Miss Martian suddenly said, snapping him out of his thoughts. Aqualad stood up as the straps from the chair removed themselves and the chair disappeared.

He hit his symbol on his belt, which turned his suit from navy blue and red with black accents to dark gray and black accents. He looked at Miss Martian, "Ready." he told her.

"Putting Bio-Ship in camouflage mode." she said as the ship went invisible. The ship lowered closer to the water where a hole opened in the bottom of the ship. Aqualad dropped out and dived into the water below.

Eventually, once Aqualad had done his part by patching the heat and motion sensors and getting the data into a continuous loop, the ship flew over a break in the canopy and stopped there, "Drop Zone B." Miss Martian told them. She raised her hand and lines from the ceiling fell in front of the team members. Kid Flash and Robin attached themselves to it, except for Spider-Man and Superboy. Once Kid Flash attached himself to the line, he tapped the lightning bolt emblem. The white on his suit turned light gray and the yellow turned to an even darker gray. His goggles turned almost black with his red accents remaining. Peter had no need to switch to a stealth version of his suit as he already his his own one on!

The stealth suit:

The stealth suit:

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