Snuck In

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In the Computer Lab, Aqualad was standing beside Dr. Roquette as she was typing on the computer. The door to the room creaked open slightly. Suddenly, a shuriken came whizzing out through it and towards her head. Aqualad dived in front of it, causing her to look behind her to see the commotion. He looked back up at her, "Doctor, get down!" he yelled. The doctor got up to stand and get down as 3 more shuriken were thrown at her by a woman in a white mask and green ninja suit. He quickly pushed her out of the way as he blocked the shuriken on his left arm.

The black-haired assassin, Cheshire, pushed the door open and ran past the computer desks, "Hmm," She utters with twin sai held in reverse grip as she ran towards the duo, "That had to hurt."

Aqualad pulled the shuriken out of his arm, "Atlantean skin is quite dense." he replied before his tattoos glowed on his arms and he pulled out his 2 Waterbearers, forming 2 water swords that blocked her sai.

"And my shuriken are quite poisonous." she shot back as she slashed at his stomach before dodging under his strike at her head then struck towards his arm which he blocked again and pushed her away, kicking her in the chest. She flipped in the air as she was pushed away, landing in a crouch on a computer table.

"M'gann, Spidey, Kid, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab." Aqualad called out.

"On our way." Artemis called out as Spider-Man, Artemis, with an arrow in her bow, and Miss Martian, who was hovering, were running through the hallway to where Aqualad was. Miss Martian suddenly came to a stop with her eyes open wide before she flew back to the last intersecting hallway the trio just passed.

Aqualad and the doctor, who was behind him, were backing away when Cheshire stuck at Aqualad, who blocked it with her sword. He stuck at her head, which she ducked under before she sliced at his core, which he dodged from. She faked a roundhouse kick and got both her legs around Aqualad's neck and shoulders and yanked him to the ground, causing an "Oof." to come pout from Aqualad.

The doctor watched it all unfold before Cheshire threw a sai at her. Aqualad turned his sword into a whip and struck at the sai, changing it's direction, sending it crashing right next to the doctor's head into the wall and causing her to yelp as she looked at it.

"Almost." Cheshire muttered. Aqualad got back up as the whip turned back into a sword and she took out a knife of her own. "Poison slowing you down?" she asked amusingly as he struck her with both his swords, which she blocked.

"Jellyfish toxin. I'm largely immune." he told her as he got close to her face.

She suddenly headbutted him, sending him to the ground, unconsciousness, and dropping his Waterbearers, "Largely." she agreed, raising her sai to send a killing blow. Suddenly, it was shot out of her hand with an arrow and hurting her hand. 

She clenched into her wrist and turned back to the entrance to find Spider-Man with his fists lifted and Artemis with her bow drawn towards her. He shot a web at her foot, sticking her there, "Don't move." Artemis slowly ordered her.

Cheshire chuckled as she heard Aqualad get back up with his Waterbearers drawn, who she glanced back at. "This gig's getting interesting." she said before she drew out a single-handed collapsible sword, readying herself to fight the heroes.

Later at a port bay,

Buoy Bells dinged in the distance as Artemis walked behind the doctor, who was typing on a computer on a computer table, where Kid Flash was also sitting on top of the computer table. Spider-Man was stuck sitting up against the wall upside down with his back against it. He took out his phone and took out a number to call a friend. She stopped in her tracks when she walked by them and glared at him. He glared back.

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