Hold On To Hope

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This is the scene from TASM 2. All credits go to this movie.

Parker Household

"Russian gangster Aleksei Sytsevich was broken out of a classified penitentiary known simply as the Vault by an unknown team of men. It's yet another example of increased criminal activity since the disappearance of Spider-Man five months ago. The web-slinger's absence has left a hole in the heart of the city. Believe it or not, even the New York City Police Department has joined the chorus of New Yorkers in hoping for the return of the web-slinger. The entire world seems to be asking the same question: Where is Spider-Man?"

Peter was watching the news report on the TV screen as he was sitting down at the cereal in front of him on the table and Aunt May was packing things away in a box. He shut off the TV from the question and looked down. Aunt May noticed his gloomy look, "Too bad about that spider guy. Too bad he's disappeared. It seems like everybody really needs him." He immediately got up and began to walk off. She turned around, "Where are you going?" she asked.

"Eat my cereal." he answered, not looking back.

"Peter... Where you going?" she asked again, having a very serious tone this time.

Peter didn't know what to do. He stared out into the abyss before slowly turning around to Aunt May. The face she saw was the one he had everyday since she died. It had slowly began getting worse and worse. Today, his face just seemed different. He shook his head, "...I don't know..."

He looked back down at his cereal and May let out a sigh. She then nervously chuckled, trying to break the tension, and took off her glasses and into her shirt pocket, "You know, it's so funny. I've been- I've been trying to clean up around here, get organized... and been putting some of Ben's stuff in boxes." She turned around and picked up one of the boxes, showing it to Peter, who turned around to look at her. "And it's so funny, the heavier the box gets, the lighter I feel." she smiled and shrugged.

He looked at her, hurt clearly in his eyes, "You're throwing his stuff away?" he questioned.

She shook her head immediately, "No. No, no. God, no. I... could never do that. lt's part of me. I'm just finding... a better place for it. I'm gonna take one last look... and I'm gonna put it where it belongs." she told him, tears beginning to pour out of her eyes. The 2 stared into their eyes. Peter knew what she was talking about and what she was trying to do

Peter walked back to his room and sat his cereal on his desk. The room was a complete mess. Clothes were lying all around the room and his bed was a complete mess. He saw a picture of a smiling Gwen on the desk and held it in his hand. All he was filled with was regret and sadness, and maybe with a hint of depression. He looked past it and noticed a silver hard drive on a stack of some more pictures of Gwen. The drive had the footage of the day Gwen said goodbye to all the seniors headed to College through a speech. She said it on behalf of the students on the day of graduation. He sat the picture back down and held the drive in his hand, fiddling with it and contemplating if he should watch it. He had never watched a single piece of footage of that day since she died. He also didn't know what she said as he was too bust being Spider-Man. He only made it after she was done. After that talk he had with Megan earlier... maybe he should watch the footage. He inserted the drive into his laptop, revealing it had a label labelled, 'Gwen's Speech'. He sat down and played the footage on his laptop. It began to play...

Gwen was on a large podium. 

"It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be dark days ahead of us and you all too... There will be days where you all feel alone... And that's when hope is needed most... No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must promise me and us... that you will hold on to hope... Keep it alive..."

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