A SHOCKING Encounter

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Bro I just realized this episode takes place a day before the last one... what the heck????

New York City; August 2nd; 10:46pm

Spider-Man was swinging through the city. It was finally quiet. It was moments like this he cherished most. For once the city's quiet. Didn't expect that to happen again. Last time it was this quiet was... with Gwen. No. NO. You grieved. You got over it. It's fine. Just don't think about it. Normally when it was this quiet-

His phone rang. He stuck to the side of a building, took his phone out, and looked at who was calling. MJ. Peter answered the phone and put it up against his ear. "Hey, MJ." he greeted.

"Hey there, tiger. Whatcha up to?" 

Peter chuckled, "Oh nothing much. The city's quiet."

"Oh, that's bad then, right?

Peter let out another laugh, "Yeah..."

An awkward silence filled the air.



They both said it at the same time, making then both pause and laugh on both ends. MJ hadn't heard him laugh like that in ages. It was nice. She decided to jump right to it as to why she called.

"Okay, so I don't know if you've heard from May yet, but me and my aunt are coming over next week. On Thursday?"

"No. No, I haven't sorry." Peter apologized as he smacked his head.

"What's there to be sorry for, tiger? You gotta stop acting like everything's your fault."

Peter paused, before answering, "... She was my fault."

MJ knew exactly who he was referring to, "NO. Don't to that to yourself, okay? Her death is not your fault. She WANTED to help you. She knew what she was getting into. Risks and all that."

Peter stood up against the wall, now walking sideways against it, "Her dad told me to keep her out of it. I didn't. Now look what happened." 

MJ paused, the memories of Gwen and her flooding in. "Peter... You gotta stop blaming yourself for things like this... She wouldn't have wanted you to do this to yourself. She said hold on to hope right? Follow it."

Peter smiled. That really helped him. MJ wanted to change the subject and so she did, "Oh, remember how mad you were that after she gave the speech, Superman arrived?"

Peter laughed as he shook his head, "Yeah, I was boiling."

"Yeah. I remember he said, and I quote, "And here I thought I was the one supposed to give hope." "

Peter laughed even more, "Did he really say that? I didn't get that in the drive?"

"He did. You only got here when he was giving out the diplomas. By the way, did he even recognize you?"

"Trust me. Nothing gets through Super-"

His spider senses suddenly went off and an explosion erupted a couple blocks from him. Peter spun his head back towards it and MJ noticed his pause, "Peter? What's wrong?"

"MJ. I'll call you back. Explosion on Raimi and Webb." he said. He then hung up and put away the phone before he swung off. I knew it wasn't gonna be a quiet night.

Once he got close, he saw it was coming from Watts Bank. He eyed it and noticed cars flipped over and the front door torn shot through. Like a gust of wind blew it open. He jumped and landed on the roof of the building, looking through the ceiling window. He saw a bunch of goons in yellow, along with their leader. The one, and only, Shocker.

Really? This guy? Can't he ever just stay in prison?

He looked around for a vent, before seeing one nearby, and he smiled.

Inside Watts bank,

Shocker was rushing the goons to get a move on, "Come one! Come on! We gotta move before the Spider gets here!" he yelled, pushing one the the goons away. 

As the goons packed the money into their bags, Spider-Man was crawling across the roof, not being seen by anyone. he examined the room to see how many there were. 8 goons. 1 Shocker. Should be easy enough. Then again, that tech Shocker has on his gauntlets looks much more advanced than last time I fought him. Nevermind that. Time to get to work. 

Slowly, he began to take each of the goons out secretly, webbing them to walls, the ground, and knocking them out with a punch. That was until it was just Shocker and one goon left, who stood by him. The 2 began to leave, "Alright guys! Looks like the Spider's getting sloppy!" They stopped in their footsteps when they noticed the bodies all around the building, all webbed up. The goon began to freak out as he shook his head, "I don't get paid enough for this." The goon ran towards the exit to make a run for it, making Shocker sigh and shake his head.

Suddenly, the goon's legs were webbed up and pulled all the way up into the darkness, screaming as he was pulled up. Shocker heard another web and began to walk to the exit with his bags of money. "Been a while, Shocker." he stopped. He turned around and dropped the bags. Spider-Man was hanging from his web right in front of him now, face-to-face, "Spider. Been a while, 'aint it?" he replied.

Spider-Man cocked his head, "Yeah. So how about we do this the easy way and-"

He was suddenly punched in the face by Shocker's fist, sending a shockwave through the bank and sending Spidey flying into the vault. Spider-Man slowly got up as he caressed his chest and moved his jaw around, "Now I let you hit me that one time. Felt a bit nostalgic. I haven't been punched by you in months, but this?" he rolled his shoulders back, "That punch was not like before."

Shocker's gauntlets then began to charge up and he sent a shockwave to the web-slinger, but he quickly webbed away, "So how'd you get this new tech, buzzer?" he asked.

Shocker slowly got more irritated, "Why don't you come here and find out!" he shot another shockwave, but Peter began webbing around the bank, dodging each and every incoming shockwave.

"Come one, Shocker! Don't make this hard! Just tell me where you got it!" he yelled.

Shocker sent another, "They'd kill me!" He then tried to send another shockwave, but realized it was out of power and needed to charge up first. The hero took this opportunity and webbed to the villain. He began doing flips and kicks at the villain and then kicked him down, webbing his hands to his chest and him on the ground. Spider-Man jumped onto him, "Now that we can taaalk... Who's they?" he questioned.

"Can you not get it through your thick skull? I cannot" Spider-Man looked down and saw the gauntlets on his hands charging up, "Tell!" he sent out shockwave, and Spider-Man jumped away, but the shockwave was too great and he was sent flying out of the bank an onto a car.

Shocker walked out of the bank with the bags of money as Spider-Man got back up, "You have the right to remain-" he looked for Shocker around him, but he was now nowhere to be found. Peter let out a sigh, "Silent."

He checked inside the bank. Shocker managed to steal 5 bags of money and gold from the bank. Oh, shoot.

Shocker got away.

He then swung off, seeing there was nothing else he could do and with questions lingering in his mind. What was up with Shocker's new tech. They're stronger than before. Where'd he get it? Who's they? HOW'D he get the new tech? I'll have to worry about that another day. Gotta get some sleep in. Gonna meet with the team tomorrow... Wonder What JJ's gonna say about me this time?

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