Stopping An Assassination

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Btw, this story is basically just the Days of Future past movie, but with Spider-Man and in the DC Universe

The Majestic Hotel; The next Day, Mid-day

Large crowds gathered around the hotel. Reporters, journalists, protestors, whatnot. They were all there to see Trask present his new device to the Chinese government. They of course would not be able to actually publicly see it, but they would still be able to be the first ones to know about it. The reporters were flocking as the cameras rolled. Motorcades pulled up with Generals and Dignitaries piling out of them.

A dark Sedan arrived and the door opened. Trask emerged with an army captain with him.. along with one other person. Maxwell Lord. They smiled for the cameras and headed up the red carpet and into the hotel. Unknowingly, Kaldur, Scott and Superboy all in casual clothes were in the crowd. They finally spotted Trask, "Trask spotted. No sign of Mystique yet." Cyclops informed telepathically. "Good idea on the mind-connection-comms thing, M'gann. More subtle."

"Thanks." M'gann replied telepathically.

Trask and the general entered the meeting room where a handful of foreign generals were waiting. They all turned towards them as Trask and the General enter. "Good afternoon, everyone. Hello. Thank you for taking the time to meet. I am aware you have hands to shake and pictures to take downstairs, so I'll get right to the point. Our world has been arising with new kinds of threats everyday. And more and more will come, so you will need a new weapon for the new enemy." Trask explained as files were handed to the generals around the table.

Trask looked at the general, who clicked and displayed a a projector, casting images onto a screen that was on the table, "These are top secret files from the US Defense Department, evidence of threats far deadlier that anything you have ever faced. The mutants."

"We are will aware of this species. There is after all a superhero team consisting of them." One of the Chinese generals said.

"As well as a supervillain team. But what if I told you the AMOUNT of these mutants are far greater than you may think. We have seen these... Alpha-level mutants for a while now. But there are mutants that are capable of destroying this whole county with but a flick of a wrist" Trask explained

Maxwell then stepped up, "And it is not only the mutants that are a threat. There are heroes like Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and even Flash that are capable of destroying this Earth." he explained.

"But they are heroes?" the general at the end of the table said.

"Would not be the first time heroes have went rogue." Maxwell quickly replied.

Outside of the building, a car pulled up to the rear entrance, which was blocked. In the car, M'gann, Peter and Professor X squeezed in the back with Erik in the front seat and Logan in the driver's seat. 2 Chinese soldiers stepped up to the car to flank it as the car came to a stop. The 2 came up to Erik's window as he rolled it down, "Turn around. There's no access beyond this point." the soldier said in his Chinese language. Erik, Logan and Professor X were the only ones that understood what he was saying.

"Step away from the car please and raise the barrier." Erik replied in Chinese, not even glancing at the two soldiers.

The soldier stepped closer, his hand nearing his gun, "I'm not going to ask again. Leave."

"Nor am I. Let us through." Erik said, now looking at the soldiers.

"You might wanna do what he says." Logan warned the soldiers in English.

The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ