Why I Never Had Kids

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Wally skidded to a stop in the middle of a field they parked the Bioship beside. His teammates were in front of him, "Nothing." he told them as he looked at Artemis, "This isn't simple camouflage. And I haven't found any traces of Pete anywhere."

 The whole team looked at the speedster, but Artemis smugly responded, "So, what do you think, adaptive micro-optoelectronics combined with phase-shifting for the tower, and quantum teleportation for Peter?"

"Absolutely..." Wally began with a slight smile, but dropped when M'gann appeared in his line of sight. "Not. Clearly mystic powers are at work here." he recovered with a voice crack.

Artemis glared at him as Superboy and Aqualad looked skeptical.

Unbeknownst to the teens, the 5 men watched. Klarion was holding his Garfield cat in his hands, Abra Kadabra with his wand was standing behind a tied by the hands Kent Nelson, and lastly... Baron Mordo was standing beside Kent. He had a full on beard with green robes and long hair. Klarion looked at Abra Kadabra smugly, "Hey, Abra Kadabra, aren't you using adaptive micro-optoelectronics and phase-shifting?" he asked.

"Yes." Abra Kadabra answered begrudgingly.

Baron continued eying the group, "...Where is he..." he asked himself silently.

Crickets chirped as they stared out into the open field. "So what do we do now?" Superboy asked the group.

"It's a test of faith." They heard from behind them.

They turned around to see the same portal formed from sparks that took Peter opening behind them. Peter leaped out with Doctor Strange, who hovered through the portal with his cloak.

"Peter!" M'gann called out. She ran over and hugged him, "Thank goodness you're alright." she said.

Peter laughed and hugged her back, "Yeah. I was in good hands." he said, looking at Doctor Strange with a smile, who smiled back.

M'gann stepped back as the rest of the group looked at the sorcerer, "So you must be Doctor Strange?" Kaldur asked.

Strange nodded his head, "Yes, I am. I apologize for taking Peter the way I did. I wanted to first explain to someone what you're all dealing with before I just made myself known." he explained. He noticed the Key of Fate in Kaldur's hand, "The key is a test of faith." He extended his hand out to take the key, "May I?" he asked.

Kaldur looked at Peter, basically asking him if he should trust him. Peter could tell and nodded his head. Kaldur looked back at Strange and handed him the key. Strange took the key and looked at the engraving on the side, which said 'INSERT'. He walked between Superboy and Kaldur, "Stand behind me." he commanded. He stood in front of the team and raised the key before pushing it forward. The end disappeared and sounds of a lock clicking were heard. He turned his hand and the tumblers thud to the unlocked position. A massive stone tower suddenly appeared in front of them, surprising Artemis and Wally. Strange, with his hand still on the key, pushed the wooden door open. The Team followed him into the darkness without a command with the key still in the door. And finally, the door shut itself closed.

The Team and Strange looked around, seeing themselves in a stone brick room. Spider-Man turned around to the door, to see that the door was no longer there, "Uhh, is it just me, or did the door disappear?" he asked aloud. The group looked around the 4 blank walls. 

Suddenly, a gold tinted projection of Kent Nelson appeared, "Greetings." he greeted. "You have entered with a key, but the tower does not recognize you. Please state your purpose and intent."

Wally looked back at M'gann and smiled, having an idea. Peter, who was standing beside M'gann, knew he was gonna do something idiotic. "We-" Doctor Strange began, but was cut off by Wally.

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