Felicia Hardy

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He got off his butt, "How'd you know I'd find it? You left a crate slightly open and a craved in message in it. What if I hadn't noticed it?" he replied.

She shrugged, "You always caught the little things, Spider." she said as she moved past him, her silky smooth hair flowing and caressing his face as she walked by. 

His eyes followed her, "Thanks." He held out his hand for the symbiote, "Now hand it over."

She just bright the canister even closer, "I will. Don't worry. But isn't there something you'd like to ask me first?"

He sighed then his hand dropped, "Why..."

"Why what?"

"Why are you giving me this? You sell this to someone, you'd have enough money to move to Atlantis."

She chuckled, "And I thought you knew me. I'm a good thief. I know what's valuable and what's not. And sure." She flipped the canister in the air then caught it gracefully with one hand, "This thing is one hell of a gold mine... but if I wanted to have a gold mine. I would've got it already and you wouldn't have noticed." He looked at her skeptically, "You really think the jewels and diamonds is what I want every night I go out? 'Oh finally! I escaped! Let me just go back to stealing in the one city I'm always caught in!'" she mockingly said. "Not all riches are money and gold..." she said as she stepped closer to him."

"So you're dong this so you'd have a better chance with me?" he scoffed, "I'm sorry, but that's still a no."

"I'm giving you this symbiote because I also know how dangerous this thing is. I overheard Kingpin talking about it. Even he didn't want it getting out." She turned around, walked to the edge of the eagle-head and looked at the city beyond her, "New York is my home. I'm not letting anyone or anything destroy it."

"You doing a good thing? That's a first."

She spun towards him, "I'm not a villain! I am like this because when I was on the street, nobody gave even the slightest thought about me!" She began to step closer, "The things I had to do to survive are things no kid should go through, no matter how evil they may be!" Another step, "I am like this, because one day, when my only friend wanted me to steal from some big billionaire so she could get outta town. I knew it was a bad idea, but I decided to do the good thing. I broke in there and that billionaire happened to be Nathaniel Essex."

He recognized the name, "Mister Sinister..."

"And he kept me underground... for months! He constantly experimented with me... for months!" She sounded like she was on the brink of tears, "... The things he ripped out and put back in... for months..."

He was speechless. He never knew how Felicia got her powers, but never questioned it before. He brought his hand into hers, "Felicia, I... I didn't know."

She didn't pull her hand away like he thought she would. And both of them knew she wasn't putting on the whole, 'Spider-attraction' thing.

She sniffed then dropped the canister on the eagle before suddenly tilting over the side of the eagle. She threw her whip around the eagle as she fell over and hung from it in the same pose Spider-Man would normally hang from his webs. She faced the city, "And you know what's worse... I went back to give her the jewel after I finally escaped... But she... She forgot about me. She didn't wonder where I was, how I was doing... I hated her more than anything in the world. And you know what's even MORE worse?" She turned around, seeing Spider-Man now hanging the same way as her, but from webs. "I still gave her the jewel... Because I wanted to do a good thing." She noticed his eyes fall, "Don't ever disrespect me for not doing the good thing, or mock me because I finally am doing a good thing..."

"... I'm really sorry, Felicia." 

A small smile appeared in the corner of her lips, "You didn't know. Funny enough, that was the same night I decided to break into the Metropolitan museum. Which is where..." She waited with a smile.

He smiled back, "Where we first met."

"And where I found my new jewel to steal."

"Last I checked, you didn't have that whole 'affection phase' until like, months later."

"I just got out of torture, Spider. Took a bit of time to open up again." she joked. She jokingly pushed him to the side, causing the 2 of them to spin around their each other, the whip and web getting entangled and causing them to get closer and closer. 

"So you're really going to let me take the symbiote, scot free? Nothing needed?"


The 2 finally stopped spinning and their faces were mere inches away from each other. They could feel each other's breath on their skin. They stared deeply into each other's eyes and silence filled the air.

She reached up for his mask and began to pull it down. He quickly grabbed her wrist, "Felicia..."

She said nothing, only looked at him. And he understood. He slowly let go and she continued pulling his mask down (they're upside down right now so idk if I should say down or up) so his mouth was exposed. And then she stopped.

She leaned forward. And he didn't lean back.

And then finally, their lips connected. She expected him to maybe push her away, but surprisingly... he didn't.

He began to kiss back . She was in heaven and even Peter couldn't deny. A part of him was as well. 

The kiss went on for a couple of seconds before she pulled back. He simply stared at her as she smiled, "Yeah... I still got a chance."

He pulled his mask back down, "So that was still ol' Black cat. Obsessed with Spider-Man. And not Felicia Hardy." he said disappointingly.

Her smile slightly dropped, but there was still a smile. She pulled off her goggles, "It was Felicia..." 

And he smiled. "You do know that this still doesn't mean we're-"

"Oh, I know... But I needed that..." She put the goggles back on, "So what're you going to do with the alien now? I mean, I'm giving it to you because I saw how much you wanted it. For what?"

He sighed, "I can't tell you that. I have a feeling you won't give the best advice." he told her.

She laughed, "Then find someone who does. Maybe this person can help with your little problem." She looked down at the ground below them. Who knows how high they were. "But until then." She kissed him on the cheek, "See you around."

And she suddenly dropped into the air with her whip in hand. She dive bombed straight towards the ground before throwing her whip at a nearby pole and swung off.

He huffed then climbed back on top of the eagle, where the canister still lied. The symbiote was still trying to escape. He took it in hand and looked down at the alien. he still felt as though it was staring at him. he pushed aside the thought and stared off into the distance.

Find someone who does.

Find someone that can give him the right advice? Where would he find that? 

Then came the right person.

He held onto the symbiote tight and swung off.

An hour later from Spider-Man pov,

"And that's how I got here." I told him as I sat on the ledge of a building with my mask in hand. I dropped the symbiote off at my house and hid it before I came here.  "I have to choose between saving the life of my best friend that I've worked for ages for or just... let him die." I heard him jump and land a couple feet behind me. I stood up and turned around, seeing him standing in front of a rooftop water tank. He had his red batons in hand.

"So why come to me then. To say hi to a friend?"

His red eyes glowing in the dark.

And he looked up from the ground and out of the shadows.


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