Guilt And Grief

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Later at 08:55,

The group were now standing along with the rest of their class in the main room of the museum. There was a large podium for people to stand on along that was in front of the audience. The students all had their own tables in the back while the bidders were sitting closer to the podium. Peter, Megan, MJ, and Harry sat at their own table alone as they watched the bidding occur. For some, it was entertaining, for most... it was probably the most boring thing ever.

"And here I thought this would be fun." Harry commented as his cheek rested on his hand and his arm on the table. 

Peter scoffed as he took a drink from his glass of water. Peter could tell MJ was trying to ignore and not talk to Peter, which he understood. He turned his head around to catch MJ looking at him, but she quickly looked away when she saw him looking back. She cleared her throat as she leaned back against her seat. Peter looked back at the podium. 

Megan watched it all unfold, feeling this was her fault as she was the one that told MJ about Peter. Her mission to make sure their friendship wouldn't break was taking a turn for the worst. She turned back to the podium as the auctioneer continued onto the next bid, "Next we have these rare African artifacts that have a mysterious origin. Nobody knows where they come from, but they are nonetheless, one of the most valuable artifacts in this museum." he said as the glass container with all the African artifacts was pushed onto the podium beside the auctioneer, "I'll be starting the bid at 123 million dollars, do I have 123 million?"

Someone stuck up their hand, "123 million! We have 124?"

Another, "124! Any more coming up?"

This was pretty much the only bid they were interested in. They had already found out enough about the artifacts to get them a good mark. After a lot of bidding, they suddenly heard a familiar voice speak up, "900 million!" It was T'Challa.

Harry stuck his head up and saw him sitting in the very front of the podium. The room was filled with gasps, nobody was gonna be able to top that. There was then one.

"1 billion!"

The room was filled with even more gasps and shock. Everyone stuck their heads up to search for the man that called out that money, including T'Challa. 

"Who in the world would call out that much money for these types of stuff??" Megan questioned. The group tried to search for the man from their seats, and finally caught sight of him, at least a bit of him.

All they could see was a white large man with a white suit and a bald head. They couldn't see his face nor his full figure. (Wink wink) Peter narrowed his eyes towards the direction. Why would someone want these artifacts so much? It clearly had some importance to T'Challa? The only reason someone would them... is if-

"2 billion!" 

More gasps and shock filled the room from T'Challa's callout. The auctioneer pointed at the other man, "Can you top that, good sir?" he called out.

The man waved his hand, signaling that he was done and the auctioneer slammed his gavel down, "African artifacts go to King T'Challa of Wakanda!" he yelled out.

The room was filled with claps and applause as the group sat back down, "That guy was desperate." MJ commented, referring to the other man.

The artifacts were pulled away as the next bid was pulled up. Peter started to get bored and uncomfortable again, "I need some air." he said before he walked off. Harry watched him leave suspiciously and worryingly.

MJ sighed, knowing why he left as she leaned back in her seat. Harry eyed MJ and stood up, "I'll go talk to him." he told the 2 girls, making them look up.

MJ nodded her head at him, "Thanks."

Harry nodded his head at the 2 before leaving to follow Harry. After he left, Megan looked at MJ, "Could I ask you something?" she asked.

MJ turned her head to look at the disguised alien, "Sure." she said.

Megan cleared her throat and leaned forward with her hands on her lap, "You said you knew why Peter blamed himself... Why did he?" she asked.

MJ sat up straight, "I'm not sure if it's my place to tell you. But knowing Pete, he'd never tell you. So I will." Megan sat up straight to listen, "You know how Gwen's father died during the whole Lizard event?" she asked. Megan nodded her head, "Well... he died saving Peter from Lizard. And in his last words, he made Peter promise him that he would leave Gwen out of the whole Spider-Man business." she explained.

Megan was speechless. No wonder he blamed himself. "And judging from her death... he didn't listen." she assumed.

MJ nodded her head, "But it isn't his fault. Gwen knew about the promise. She just didn't care. She wanted to help people and she knew the risks. She was ready for it. Peter also in the end still did most of what he could to keep her away, but was just Gwen. She's stubborn."

"So are you saying it's Gwen's fault?" Megan questioned.

MJ immediately glared at her, "No. I'm saying Peter shouldn't blame himself for something he tried his best to prevent, not for something that wasn't his fault. I'm not the kind of person that will be able to tell Peter that, but if anyone could... it would be Harry. So..." She lifted her glass, "Best of luck to him."

With Peter and Harry,

Peter was standing on the side of the road, watching the cars drive by. He was thinking about it all. That day kept repeating over and over in his head. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around to see Harry there. "You okay?" Harry asked.

Where's the web shooters?

Peter shook his head and scoffed as he looked back at the road, "It's my fault, Har. It's my fault she's dead." he said as his head fell.

Harry looked at him confusingly, "How's it your fault?" he asked.

Peter looked up, realizing what he said. He wished he could tell him, but if he did... their friendship would be in the dust. Peter turned around, tears starting to build up, "I could've stopped her. I pushed her away. If I was a better friend to Ned, if... If I was a better boyfriend to Gwen, maybe she... Maybe she wouldn't have left and-" The tears started running and Harry put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, hey. It's not your fault... It's not even Spider-Man's fault. As much as I want to blame him and hate him... It isn't." Peter froze, wondering if Harry did know. "Gwen knew exactly what she was doing. She looked up at heroes like Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman... and she wanted to be a hero, just like them. And knowing her... if she knew how you were treating yourself, she'd come back to life and slap the senses out of you." Harry said, getting a quick laugh out of Peter. Peter and Harry were now looking at each other in the eyes, "She loved you... She loved this city, these people... Faults and all... And in the end, if it came down to her life and the city's... she would've accepted it gracefully. And if it's your fault, so what!"

Peter looked at him with confusion across his face, "'So what'?" he questioned.

"So what? You might be your fault... but nobody in this whole world... especially Gwen... would blame you. So why should you?" Harry told him.

A smile began to appear on Peter's face. Why am I not surprised Harry would be able to do this?

He then noticed Megan rushing outside of the doors. She saw them and held up an bank robbery alert from her phone. She gestured that they, or at least he, needed to go. Harry noticed peter staring past him and turned around, seeing Megan. He eyed Megan suspiciously. Peter pulled out his phone, pretending to have gotten a text, "I am so sorry, Har, but I gotta go."

Harry looked back at him with confusion, "What? Why?" he questioned. Peter saw Megan suddenly fly off, with luckily nobody seeing her. 

Peter began to walk away backwards to the side, "It's the Bugle. I need to take pictures real quick. I promise I'll be back as soon as possible." he promised.

Harry sighed as he put his hands in his pockets, "Fine." Peter sighed with a smile before he ran off, "But when you come back, you're gonna at least talk to me about that job at Oscorp!"

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