Losing Your Touch?

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The 3 waited patiently for him to leave and once he finally flew out of sight, the rest of the team finally awoke and looked around each other confused. "What happened?" Wally asked the 2, Peter and M'gann, as he looked up at them. 

She looked down at him, "I placed the BioShip between us." she answered.

Superboy stood up and began to let out hook punches on a rock in front of him angrily. He stopped and looked at her, "That supposed to make it right?" he questioned. Superboy began to stomp his way over to M'gann, making the rest of the boys immediately stand up, "You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado." 

"You think she did it on purpose? It's just a rookie mistake. Everyone makes 'em." Peter objected calmly as he took off his mask.

"It-it was a rookie mistake." Robin agreed, "We shouldn't have listened."

 Peter looked at him, shocked. "You are pretty inexperienced." Wally added, catching M'gann's attention. She looked up at him as his head dropped slightly and his hands were in his pockets, "Hit the showers. We'll take it from here." he told her.

"Stay out of our way." Superboy told her darkly as he walked pushed past Peter and between M'gann and the other 2 boys- Dick and Wally.

M'gann's face fell as she watched Superboy begin with a run, then jump off into the distance towards Happy Harbor. Kid Flash, who was just behind him, chose the same spot to speed off. Robin used the dust cloud to disappear as he run off in the same direction.

"I was just trying to be part of the team." M'gann said sadly as her bangs fell in front of her eyes.

Kaldur stopped a few feet away from her and he put his hand behind his head, "To be honest, I'm not sure we really have a team..." he replied before taking off as well.

Peter watched them all run off as he stood beside M'gann. Expecting him to also be mad at her, she said, "Go ahead. Tell me how much of a mistake I made."

Peter sighed. He then crouched beside her and put his hand on her shoulder, "When you were in my memories... did you see me fight The Lizard? Was it maybe in a school?" he asked. 

She looked up at him, confused by his question, "What does that-"

"Just answer the question." he interrupted with a chuckle. She sighed and nodded her head. "Well... he wasn't just there for anyone... he was there for me. For Peter Parker."

"What? How did he know who you were?" she asked.

"When I was trying to track him in the sewers, there was also an award for anyone who could catch pictures of him. I figured I could catch 2 birds with one stone. But... I was way to cocky in what I could do and I had to run, leaving my camera behind. He found my camera and attacked my school." he explained. She was slightly confused as to where this was headed, which Peter could tell, "What I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes. Even rookie ones. I was still kind of getting the hang of being Spider-Man by then. I have made many, many, many mistakes that I had to pay for and which others did pay for. But those mistakes made me who I am. But if I had to give advice... don't rush to conclusions, even if they might be pretty obvious."

M'gann looked back down in silence as Peter got back up and put his mask back on, "Now if you need me, I'm gonna get my mojo back." he said before he began running and jumped off.

Happy Harbor,

Twin twisters were blowing through the small town, all of them created by Mr. Twister who was controlling their every move. The twisters triggered car alarms and panic throughout the town. One twister ripped past the harbor, picking them up and throwing them into the town square. The same twister ran through another building, taking it down easily. The 3 twisters continued to destroy the rest of the town as Twister stood in the center of the destruction, "Certainly, this will get the required attention."

"You got ours!" Twister turned around to see who said that. It was the one and only Kid Flash. "Full and undivided!" he continued. Once close enough, he jumped up and gained enough force to knock him back a bit.

"Immaterial and insufficient." Twister replied, "You are a distraction I can no longer tolerate."

Suddenly, Twister heard a battle cry and before the android cold see where it came from, but was too late and he was knocked back even further than what Wally did. Twister stopped himself from going any further as the 2 boys stood at the ready. Twister unleashed another twister at them.

In the BioShip, which was headed to Mount Justice over Happy Harbor, M'gann was talking to Red Tornado through a line, "The team really needs your help." she told him.

"If I intervened, it would not be to help." The android told her, "Still, it is an odd coincidence that this Twister shares my elemental abilities. And my immunity to telepathy."

M'gann looked away for a second before hitting her head in realization, "Hello, M'gann." she told herself with a smile on her face.

Back on the surface, Aqualad, Robin, and Spider-Man jumped over the car and headed to Twister, who's back was facing them. He threw a boat and Superboy and turned around to shoot small twisters at them, which they easily dodged and continued heading to the villain. Before Aqualad could land a punch, Twister created a vortex under him and launched him at the second floor of the Town Hall Building.

Kid Flash sped towards him, only to do caught in a spiral by Twister, bringing him over his head and onto the ground. Kid Flash quickly rolled into a crouch and took off as the enemy created another Twister which headed right for Robin. Robin evaded and threw a few a few more Bombs in his direction, which were all deflected. The villain barely had enough time to evade Superboy's incoming attack, which left a dent into the ground. 

He quickly summoned another twister, which launched the clone away, right on where Aqualad was busy getting out of the rubble from his own fall. Twister then launched a boat from a cyclone in the water to Superboy.

Aqualad quickly jumped out of the way before both landed where he was. The boat's motor landed right beside him, giving him an idea. He lifted it up and began charging at the villain before throwing the motor. Twister caught the motor with a twister in his hands when he noticed Spider-Man jumped right towards him from behind. He turned around and threw the motor right at him. He quickly dodged mid-air and webbed the motor before pulling himself towards Twister and pulling the motor along with him, smashing it right back into Twister.

Spider-Man landed right in front of the enemy, "What was that about me 'not being myself', again?" he asked jokingly. Twister shot another twister right at him, causing Spider-Man to quickly jump out of the way, but not without webbing himself to the ground so he wouldn't end up flying off with the twister. He took this opportunity to jump at the villain again, but he was quickly caught in the android's grasp. Twister noticed Aqualad charging straight for him and had an idea. He threw the hero straight into Aqualad, sending them right into the Town Hall beside Superboy as they began to hear a familiar voice in their heads, "Listen to me, all of you."

It was M'gann.

Superboy grabbed his head and grunted, "What did we tell you?" he said angrily.

"I know, and I know I messed up." She admitted, "But now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please trust me."

The team knew what to do...

Zatanna and Spider-Gwen are in the lead!

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