The Black goo

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Oscorp Tower; August 20th; 07:26 PM

Peter arrived at the building from a personal car sent from Harry. The driver stepped out and opened the limo for Peter to step out, which he did. He looked up at the building towering over him. The driver stepped ahead of him, "Follow me." he said before he walked inside the building. Peter shot him a confused look, but decided to follow him anyway.

Peter followed him throughout the whole tower, before he finally arrived at Harry's loft. Harry was pacing up and down across his living room with his fireplace lit. He was wearing a gray suit. Harry heard the door open and a smile appeared on his face when he saw his best friend, "Pete." he said with a smile.

Peter, who was still very confused, still smiled back, "Hey, Har." The 2 embraced a hug, "You wanted to show me something, right?" Peter asked.

The 2 separated with Harry's hands on Peter's shoulders, "Yeah, yeah. Follow me." he said before Harry walked out of his loft with Peter and the driver following behind.

They eventually entered the elevator down. Harry typed in a floor on the elevator touchscreen. Peter noticed that the floor he typed in... was underground? The elevator began to go down as Harry turned to Peter with excitement splattered across his face, "You know how I told you about how we were going to change the world?" Harry asked. Peter nodded, making Harry smile, "I found a way."

Peter's eyes slightly widened, both surprised and confused as to how Harry did this. Peter brushed his hand through his hair as he let out an awkward chuckle. He then crossed his arms, "H-Ho-How?" he asked.

Harry stepped closer, "You know that space probe that crashed a couple weeks ago? The one with J. Jonah Jameson's son in it?" he asked.

Peter nodded again, "Yeah. John Jameson. Something went wrong with the thrusters and they crashed?" 

Harry shook his head, "There's more to it than that... Something didn't go wrong with the thrusters, but something did make it crash." he explained.

A thought came into Peter's mind, "Wait, are you saying that space ship was organized AND covered up by Oscorp? By YOU?" Peter questioned, giving a concerned look.

"Now I know that might seem bad, but everyone survived. But what we found was VERY much worth it." Harry defended. They reached their floor and the door opened.

There was a hallway with glass along the walls, revealing on the other side of each of them, rooms. Scientists were inside of them, each working on their own thing.

Harry and the driver stepped out and walked along the hallways as peter was left in complete awe. One wouldn't believe the things that were being worked on in the rooms. An exo suit, teleportation devices, hovering vehicles, the whole shibang.

Peter looked through one of the windows to see what they were working on. It was an arc reactor. The one Tony Stark has in his chest and uses to power his suit as Iron Man. People have been trying to recreate the Arc Reactor for years, but none have even come close. And from what Peter could see, Oscorp wasn't anywhere near as close. Harry noticed Peter had stopped and walked back to him. He stood beside him and looked through the same glass wall, "Yeah. I've been planning on shutting down this department. It's pretty much pointless at this point." he said. He slapped Peter's arm playfully, "Come on. I'll show you what I was talking about."

Harry began walking away and after a bit more staring, Peter followed, "What is this place?" he asked.

"It's something my father set up shortly before he was murdered." Peter immediately felt a sting from Harry's words, still being reminded of what happened with his father. "It was a way to change the world and advance it's technology. If you couldn't tell, we have had no advancements." They reached a sliding steel door with a touchscreen on the side. Harry did a combination of hand movements on screen as Peter watched. 

"Acess code: Harry Obsborn" and AI called out.

The door slid open, which revealed another hallway, but much shorter. This time, there were small glass rooms all across the large room. Each of them had a call cylinder container attached to the walls. (picture the containment rooms from the Venom movie where the symbiotes were held) Peter walked past all the empty rooms, confused as to what this was. Harry walked past him and gestured with his hand for Peter to follow. They walked up to one of the empty rooms. "They're aliens." Harry suddenly said.

Peter looked at him shockingly, "That's why the ship was up there? To get..." 

"Aliens. Yes." Harry answered. Peter looked back at the room in complete shock, which harry could easily notice. Harry looked at the camera and pointed at the room with his thumb, signaling for the people on the other side to do what he asked, which they knew. The container inside the room opened and something crawled out...

It was a form of black goo with hints of white. It leaped out of the container and began crawling around the room. Peter was silent from complete awe. "We're calling them symbiotes."

The creature suddenly jumped at them, making Peter flinch back. Harry stood completely still. The creature crawled and stuck along the glass they were standing in front of. Peter looked back at Peter and chuckled as Peter simply stood there, still freaked out. "Still a little bit lost on the 'changing the world' part." Peter told him, trying to change the subject of what just happened.

Harry looked back at the symbiote, "Well, recently, after some testing, we managed to find out that when bonded with a living organism." Harry gestured towards him and Peter as Peter stepped up beside him again, "They could increase the host's prowes. Speed, strength, mentality. They can even fight back against diseases and sicknesses inside the human body we don't even have cures for yet. Cancer, TB, even Alzheimers could be dealt with."

"And you know this how exactly?" Peter questioned, concerned as to the lengths Harry may have gone with this experiment.

Harry knew what Peter could be referring to, "Don't worry. We only tested it on animals. It works... for about 24 hours."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

Harry faced Pete, "It's the host. The host and symbiotes we have tested so far have never been..." He tried thinking of a word, "Symbiotic. Every time, either the host dies, or both. We haven't been able to find the right one, but believe me." he turned back to the symbiote still stuck against the glass, "We'll find one."

"And if this goes horribly wrong?" Peter asked.

"Look, we'll, or we maybe, only going to human trials when we're 100% that it won't harm humans. Not 98%. Not 99%. 100. No lives are gonna be lost from this." Harry explained. The 2 boys eyed the symbiote when harry noticed the symbiote particularly leaning to Peter's side, "It really likes you, doesn't it?" he said.

Peter looked back and forth between the 2. Peter, wanting to test this, began moving across the glass... with the symbiote following him. Peter was more freaked out than ever, "Well I'm never gonna come down here again." Peter joked as he looked at Harry with an awkward smile.

Harry stepped closer to Peter intriguingly, "That's weird, it's never done that with anyone before." he commented. Peter leaned down closer to the symbiote. He lifted his finger and moved it towards the glass that the symbiote was on the opposite side of. As it hit the glass, the symbiote calmed down and almost moved more... calmly?

Harry snapped his fingers, snapping Peter back into reality and making his stand back up straight, "You okay?" he asked.

Peter nodded at his best friend, "Yeah..." He looked down at the symbiote. He could feel it was... watching him.

"...Just fine."

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