1- Summer Plans.

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~Song: Golden

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~Song: Golden

"Summer in Ocean Bay, that sounds like fun." And old lady next to me said with a smile.

She must have thought I was nervous, the way I was standing.

Gripping my suit case with white knuckles as I moved forward with my boarding group.

"Yeah." I said in a breathy voice with a smile.

I didn't want to come off as rude, sure I was beyond annoyed to be getting on this plane but I didn't have to take it out on her.

"Why Ocean Bay?" She asked trying to keep the conversation going.

God it was too early for this, to early to re-explain the drama that had been happening in my household the last few days.

I didn't want to spend my summer in ocean bay, I really didn't. I'd only just found out a week ago.

I knew nothing about the place or the people I was staying with, apart from their names.

'The Baker Family'

Apparently my parents where friends with them in college.

"Um my parents are going on a work trip so I'm staying with friends in Ocean Bay." I explained making a long story short.

"Oh fun!" She replied as she scanned her ticket.

No not fun.

I had planned my summer around being at home.

I was working out a job with the local surf club, making my name in the program.

Things were looking up for this summer, a agenda with nothing but surfing.

Now, because my parents didn't trust me, I was being shipped to Ocean Bay.

I had hoped they would just let me stay with my neighbor Edna. But after last time... I could see why they weren't going to let that slide.

I'd never been a 'good' kid, I would admit that.

I was good enough to pass as a good kid, but my parents knew me to well.

They knew what happens when their back is turned, honesty I think they just gave up on discipline.

I knew their reason for shipping me away so I wasn't home alone was justified, but honestly it pissed me off.

I'm 18, leaving for college soon.

I need to grow up some time or another, right?

"Well have a good flight dear." The old woman said as I entered the plane.

I scuffed slightly, "thanks"

Making my way to my seat I loaded my carry on into the upper storage bin then sat down.

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