29- That Night

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Nora fell asleep 3 hours after I turned on the movie

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Nora fell asleep 3 hours after I turned on the movie.

I couldn't sleep, a stupid smile sat on my face while the movies played endlessly on the television.

I couldn't explain the thoughts running through my mind.

But if I could, the only two words I could use would be...

Holy shit.

I slowly got up from the ground, making sure Nora's body weight was carefully adjusted to the couch instead of me.

It was nearing 6 am and I had to be out for a surf practice in an hour.

Looking around the basement I ran my fingers through my hair. God it was a mess from our game of truth or dare last night.

As I slowly walked up the stairs to the kitchen I pulled out my phone and began typing out a message for Nora to see after she wakes up.

Hey, sorry I had to run to practice. Don't worry I'll take care of the basement, I'll be home around 9.

I sent the message knowing Nora's phone was plugged in behind the couch, no where near her.

Moving around the kitchen I made myself breakfast. Pouring oats and milk into a bowl before putting it in the microwave. I cut up a banana as the oatmeal sat in the microwave.

Call me a basic white bitch but I like my oatmeal, ok?

Plus, I didn't really have time to get anything else made.

"Morning Finn." Mike said as he walked down the stairs from his bedroom.

He was always up early, but today he probably had to get down to the docks and make sure all of the boats were alright from the storm.

"Morning." Was all I replied taking the oatmeal out of the microwave and placing the cut up bananas in it.

While I ate my oatmeal, I traveled around the living room and kitchen. Packing my surf bag with a towel and water bottle.

Once I was finished I placed my bowel in the sink and headed towards my room to quickly change into a suit.

I headed out of the house, waving goodbye to Mike as I did, walking down to the beach with a surf board in hand.

This morning was just a private session with me and Josh. Brooker hadn't really told me why, but he said it would help prepare me for the competition.

"Look, we don't have a lot of time." Brooker stated seriously, "so we need to get into gear now."

Josh nodded his head, while he might not be tired... I was exhausted.

Being up all night with Nora and now having to surf with no sleep.

It was tiring.

My eye lids felt heavy and my body didn't want to move an inch.

But the second I stepped into the cold water I was shocked awake.

Once out passed the break Josh sat up on his board, stretching his arms out one couldn't help but notice the amount of muscle he held.

"So, you still down for Saturday? Were gonna go over the stuff for the comp." Josh explained still stretching out his arms.

I bit my tongue, the word shit wanted to come out of my mouth so fast.

I hadn't forgotten the question Nora had asked me right before I kissed her.

It was obviously important to her that I keep my distance.

"Yeah, I'll be there. But just this one time." I stated heaviness beginning to fill my insides.

God I was so dead if Nora found out, but it was only once.

"Sick." Was all Josh said before paddling to catch a wave.

I let out a rugged sigh, Nora didn't need to know. It would just be this one time.

I had to stay in this higher group for Brooker to pay attention to me, I knew that.

So if I had to act like their friend I would.

The next wave came in and I took it, my heart pounding as I noticed Brooker on the beach watching me intently.

Like he was waiting for something, something big.

Or like he knew something.

It was an eerie feeling, the way his vibe matched the world right now.

The aftermath from the storm had left mist in the air and a cloudy orange sun rise.

By now Nora would be waking up and seeing my message.

By now Mike would be half way through any repairs he would have had to do.

Luke would be getting up for his shift at the boat house, same with Ryan.

It was weird how much was happening while I was riding this wave. What else was happening within the world.

My parents were in Europe, they had no idea about my summer. They didn't bother to call. They had no idea I was apart of a surf team, and they had no idea what was happening between me and Nora.

I kneeled down, feeling the power of the wave on my hand. This practice felt pointless, but who the hells cares I was out in the water surfing.

And surfing clears my mind, sometimes when I was on a wave I thought of Nora's words.

"Just make it a hobby."

And when I was on a wave, I could.

But it was starting to feel like more of a competition now. Agaisnt Josh, like Brooker was setting us up against each other all the damn time.

Kicking out of the wave, I realized I didn't want to be in a competition at practice or when I was trying to have fun.

Competition was for competitions, not now.

Brooker should be trying to get me and Josh to be friends, not enemies.

"What the hell Finn? That was a perfect wave." Josh shouted

I shrugged my shoulders before paddling out if the break.

"Just wasn't feeling it." I replied

Josh rolled his eyes, anger crossing his face.

"Well then don't take the wave and save it for someone else who actually wants to work." Josh said before paddling to get his next wave.

Words: 1014

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