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■Flash Back■

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■Flash Back■

Please, God, don't throw the chair... don't throw the chair.

I backed myself against the wall tears running down my face. I harshly shook my head back and forth in a manner of begging, knowing that me screaming for him to stop wouldn't work.

"I can do whatever the hell I please Nora!" Josh said his knuckles white from his tight hold on the back of the chair.

I shouldn't have brought it up, seeing him kiss another girl at the party. I should have just let it go, pretended like it didn't happened.

He tossed the chair to the side and I flinched out of reaction, expecting the chair to come towards me.

"Thats the way the world works Nora now you either live with it or you can leave me! But sure as hell know, no one else is gonna come get you!"

My breathing was fast, I continued to shake my head.

Josh laughed, picking up the chair he threw acrossed the room and sitting in it.

"Not everyone is going to be this nice Nora. Some people are bad, you might think I am but I'm not. This is as good as it gets. You messed up my night, you realize that. Its all your fault, the grace I'm giving you, you should be thankful for."

I swallowed hard, feeling as though something was caught in my throat.

"Why don't you come here? I'm not angry any more."

Slowly pushing off the wall, I walked towards Josh, knowing what would happen if I refused to.

■End of Flashback■

I set my board on the sand, not saying anything to Brady.

"One more day chica." Brady said with a sign, "one more round?"

I shook my head, not really feeling like another round.

"Hey, if your tired you don't have to. I want you to be in good shape for the competition tomorrow."

I looked at Brady, not talking.

I looked out at the beach, some if the Masters surfing were still out practicing.

"I think I'm all done for the day Brady." I said softly taking off my leash

Brady looked at me, worried.

His eyebrows were pinched together and he stared at me trying to read me.

"I'll be there tomorrow." I told him, saying that I'll bring my a game.

I couldn't risk it.

My O'Neal sponsorship had been on rocky grounds since last year.

I was either one break down or one bad surf away from losing it.

"Its just a hobby, right?" Brady said with a small smile.

I shook my head yes.

Knowing my own words weren't true.

If it was just a hobby I wouldn't care about my O'Neal sponsorship or about how I look for the competition.

It wasn't a hobby, it was a sport.

"Well, even if it's not a hobby I'm sure all your friends and parents won't look at you different if it doesn't go well." Brady explained.

I bit my lip, looking down at the sand inbetween my toes.

"But, I'm sure you'll do fine. I mean you are the queen of the waves after all."

I let a smile fall on my lips.

"Gracias Brady." I said picking up my board

"De nada chica." Brady responded

I walked away from him, away from the surf.

Finns apologies still fresh in my mind. I replayed his words over and over.

There was no yelling, there was no screaming, throwing, or hitting.

It was his fault and he admitted it.

He told me he wasn't lying about anything else.

I looked at the sun above me, though it was bright out it was a surprisingly cool day.

It hurt, seeing Finn with Kia and Josh, but part of me felt bad for him.

Part of me hoped Finn would be smarter than I was.

I know what's going through his head right now, he's probably disgusted by the brookies. Hates their guts.

He's only there to get the deal then he'll move surf school, maybe go unattached.

I thought the same thing, but then they get you roped in. With the deals and the sponsorships.

I hope Finn is smarter enough to see through it all. Step away when something bad happens, know right from wrong.

I bit the inside of my cheek, thinking about how last night went and how differently it could have gone.

Maybe that was the harsh lining to it all.

Knowing that Finn genuinely doesn't quite understand that he's hurting himself in the long run.

Though the apology felt good, it didn't make my heart hurt any less though.

Walking up the stairs to my house, I left my board on the porch knowing that in less than 24 hours I would need it.

Stepping into my house I was met with my parents working hard in the kitchen to prepare a good dinner for tonight.

They always made it a habit to feed me well before a competition, no matter where it was.

I looked at Finn who was sitting at the kitchen table.

He looked back at me.

We said nothing.

It was the first time I'd seen him since yesterday.

I didn't know what to do so I walked to me room, knowing I had to be out for dinner.

It would be a quiet dinner, most likely an awkward one.

But I'd gone through much worst than a quiet meal.

Closing my door I released a breath I wasn't aware I was holding and ripped off my bikini before putting on pajamas.

Dinner, then bed.

I didn't have time to worry about Finn, or Josh, or Kia.

I had to bring my A game in less than 24 hours.

And I can't a boy wreck how I preform.

Words: 965

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