33- Traitor

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~Song: Eat Your Young

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~Song: Eat Your Young

"God get off of me." I said with a laugh as Ryan jumped on my back.

He quickly got off of it, giving me his classic smirk as he walked next to me.

"Ready for the competition queen of the waves?" Luke asked

I shrugged.

The setting sun was beating down on me, Luke, and Ryan as we walked towards the BBQ place.

"I'm sure it will be fine, what about you guys you ready?" I asked

Ryan gave a confident yes while Luke looked unconfident.

"I don't know, I wrecked the nose of my favorite board yesterday." Luke stated

"Yikes." I said scrunching up my face, that board is... scratch that, was his baby.

Luke shrugged once again.

"It happens, I'll just have to get a new one." Luke said before he turned to me, "what about you? Anything knew with you?"

Ryan leaned into my shoulder, testing my patience with how close he was getting to me.

"You've been spending a lot of time with a boy named Finn Henry." His voice sounding like a middle school boy.

I rolled my eyes, suppressing a blush.

"Come on Nora..." Luke said his voice sounding testy

"We know somethings going on." Ryan added on

"The tensions growing and-"

"We kissed." I blurted out, cutting Luke off.

Both Luke and Ryan stopped in their tracks and looked at me, almost shocked.

"We kissed, and I liked it, and I like him, and he's really nice, and would you please stop looking at me like I'm some strange creature" I said with some power behind my voice after the rambles.

"You kissed?" Luke said still in a type of shock

I nodded my head.

"Well is he a good kisser? Ryan asked

I gave him a harsh side eye.

"Why do you want to know?"

Ryan immediately raising his hands in defense.

"Well, you like him. Like really like him?" Luke asked

I nodded my head, looking down at the pavement as we began walking again.

"Yeah, and before you say anything about him being a brookie he promised me he wasn't hanging out with Kia and Josh." I stated

"Thats good." Luke replied, my comment putting him mind at ease.

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