22- Not all Brookies are Bad

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"Are you alright?" Sam asked looking up from her phone

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"Are you alright?" Sam asked looking up from her phone.

She was currently resting on her pillow while I laid with my head practically off of her bed.

I shrugged.

"He starts practice tomorrow." I explained not really wanting to talk about it.

It had been a touchy subject since everyone found out.

Sam look at Ella with some concern and Ella just shook her head in an 'I don't know way'

"Maybe he'll go to a practice and realize he doesn't want to be there." Maddie offered.

It out a large sigh, not taking my vision off of Sam's white ceiling.

It was peaceful in her room, it always had been.

The sound of the ceiling fan constantly spinning mixed with the breeze from the ocean could make anyone fall asleep.

"No, he doesn't care about the people" I explained, "he just wants to make sure he makes his way in the surfing world."

Leah scrunched up her face in confusion.

"Does he not know that the Masters can do that?" She asked taking her eyes off of the current friendship bracelet she was making to wait for an answer.

"He does, but on paper, Brooker is more likely to get him in faster. He only has this summer to do it." I replied

"Yeah but the rest of the summer is a long time." Ella said

"Yeah enough time for Jax to get him some type of sponsorship. I mean if he's really as good as you say." Sam added in

Jax was the master coach for our level, and he'd done a damn good job building the program on an unfair playing field.

"He doesn't see it that way, all he sees is how I got my O'Neil deal with the Brookies."

Leah sucked in a sharp breath,

"Yeah you can't really argue your way out of that one."

Leah was right, I couldn't. Because I'd gotten my O'Neil deal through Mr. Brooker, of course they had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. In theirs eyes I was just a good surfer who was apparently hot enough for their magazines and well known enough to wear their logo.

I laid there quietly half hoping we would drop the conversation before it got too deep.

But it would, these were my friends and much like Luke it was hard to hide anything from them.

After a long period of silence Sam spoke. She knew me the best so I guess it was only right that the truth about my feeling came out of her mouth.

"You're scared he's going to end up like Josh, aren't you?" She stated her voice slightly softer than before

I didn't reply.

I was terrified of that. The brookers had managed to turn me into some mixed up version of Kia, who's to say they won't do it to Finn with Josh

And I couldn't live or be around that, not again.

My body, my mind, and my heart couldn't do that again.

Ella looked at me in pity.

"Hun Josh has always been like that, the brookies didn't make him that way." She explained

But her reasoning didn't comfort me.

"Yeah and Kia always been that way and that didn't stop them from turning me into her. I mean, you all hated me."

Leah let out a small laugh.

"Nora we didn't hate you."

"Yeah you did." I paused for a moment, "I even hated myself."

I sat up and looked at all of them. Laying back on the bed I rested my head on Sam's shoulder.

"Nora we never hated you." Maddie corrected again

"Nora we tried and tried to get you out of there but your mind was so made up we couldn't stop you." Maddie explained.

"It hurt us everyday to watch you go through that, just like it hurts you to watch Finn join the brookies." Sam continued

Ella nodded her head in agreement.

"Eventually and unfortunately the only thing we could do was wait until you either realized or fucked up. But we were ready to hold your hand when that happened."

"Is Finn gonna have to fuck up to realize whats going on?" I asked hoping that wouldn't be the case.

He didn't have time to fuck up, he didn't have time for error if he wanted to make his name in the surfing world this summer.

Sam shrugged, waiting a moment before replying.

"Let's just hope he's smart enough to realize before he fucks up." Sam stated

I sighed before nodding my head in agreement.

Maybe just maybe Finn would make the right choice before its too late.

And maybe Finn wouldn't turn into Josh, because I couldn't do that.

I couldn't stand the yelling, not again.

I couldn't stand the hitting or arguing

The everything being my fault

Everything about me not being perfect

How I was lucky to have him because no one else would want me.

I couldn't do that, body body was still exhausted from it and frankly still terribly of it.

I bit my lower lip, hoping that Finn would walk right instead of left on the path of decisions. Hoping he'd realize that 'pretty' plants on the left path are poisonous.

I looked out Sam's window towards down town Ocean Bay listening to the noises of the silent room.

"Nora, I don't think you should let Finn being a brookie stop you from liking him." Sam said softly.

I didn't reply, knowing that was exactly what I was doing.

Sam sighed to herself, looking out the window with me.

"Some day, in the near future, when none of this Brooker- master rival exist. Are you going to wish you'd gotten with Finn, or be thankful you didn't?" She asked

And I thought.

"I don't know." I replied honestly, biting down on my cheek.

"Exactly." Sam stated

Her words sat heavy in my head as I thought about what she said.

But there was also the thought in the back of my mind.

I'm protecting my peace, being careful.

Not shutting Finn out, protecting myself, thats what I'm doing... before its too late to turn back.

But again Sam's words entered my mind, and some form of guilt sat in my stomach though it was blocked by a wall.

Words: 1054

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