10- Surf

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~Song: Bury Me

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~Song: Bury Me

"Don't you dare!" I squealed as I rounded around the dining table

I held my hand out before me in attempt to shield myself with a smile on my face.

Finn held up the water cup and shook it slightly, a devilish smirk playing at his lips.

He was trying desperately to get me back after I dumbed water on him to wake him up. His brown fluffy hair was damp and his pajamas pants were soaked.

Finn had been here for alittle over a week, and if I said things were not going well, well that would be a lie.

Finn and me had become extremely close in one week. Our mornings consisted of us sharing the bathroom and fighting over who got what pancake, while our nights were spent hanging out with my friends.

I could officially tell you the color of his tooth brush and his birthday as well as his favorite actor and animal.

Finn clicked his toungue while taking a step closer to me.

I took one step back, not wanting to get water all over myself.

My cheeks were hurting from smiling as Finn backed me into a corner.

He stood over me, and I knew our height difference was extreme but I didn't realize how extreme until now. He was practically towering over me.

"Its 7 in the fucking morning." He stated in a deep voice from just being woken up

He held the cup over my head just high enough that I genuinely thought he was going to pour it on me.

"I like my sleep Ms. Baker." He stated looking me directly in the eyes.

His deep brown eyes met mine and I smirked slightly as my dad walked into the living room.

"Finn kindly step away from my daughter, I will not be having water wars over my oak floors." He said looking over his reading glasses

Imedently Finn stepped back, I rolled my eyes. God he was such a suck up to my parents.

"Sorry sir." He said giving me a glare out of the corner of his eye

Almost saying 'I'll get you back later'

"Nora you have practice and Finn you have work in 30 minutes so chop chop."

I stepped back from Finn and rolled my eyes. Grabbing my surf bag off of the couch and a towel.

Finn grabbed a water bottle off of the counter, putting his glass of water down.

Finn quickly realized in his first week here that I was at practice a lot. With all the down time he took me up on my offer and started working dock crew for my dad.

Moving out to the balcony I grabbed one if my practice boards before moving back into the house.

Finn eyed my short board, almost debating.

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