18- More than Just Roommates ◇

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I moved around my room, pulling on an O'Neil oversized shirt before brushing through my hair

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I moved around my room, pulling on an O'Neil oversized shirt before brushing through my hair.

I'd only woken up 30 minutes ago and Finn had already been out surfing, gotten my family breakfast from the burrito place and was currently chatting with him about all of his different boats.

"Nora your breakfast is getting cold!" My mom shouted from the kitchen

"I know I'm coming!" I shouted back pulling on bikini bottoms.

I quickly put in my earnings and opened up my door, Phelps immediately came running from the living room.

"There she is." My mom joking said as I walked into the open layout.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Oh haha." I said and my mom just turned to smile back

Finn stood up and handed me a burrito.

"Sausage no cheese." Finn said while giving me the foil wrapped burrito.

"Thanks." I said softly before sitting down at the table

Finn just nodded his head before sitting acrossed from me at the table.

My dad who was sitting in the living room leaned further back on the couch, taking a sip from his coffee.

"You know me and Finn were just talking about some of my boats." My dad stated and I rolled my eyes.

My dad was proud of everything he owned, he had worked hard to afford everything he did. And I appreciated it, but when it came to his boats he boasted about it.

"Yeah, what about about it?" I asked before biting into my burrito.

My dad stood up and opened the sliding glass door to the balcony and looked out at the sea before taking a classic dad stance.

"Well, I was thinking about the yacht, it still needs a clean from when we took it out last summer."

He wasn't wrong, when we took the boat out last year we had left it a mess. It was the trip we took shortly after me getting arrested, so cleaning it was the last thing on our minds.

"I can clean it for you." Finn offered.

He turned in his seat as he did, Finn wasn't wearing anything but his board shorts and you could clearly see his abs from this angle.

"Thanks Finn, I was hoping you and Nora could clean it together. I'd pay you of course, but Nora it is partially your mess."

I snorted, thinking about the state of my room on the boat.

I'm sure I had bikinis that I hadn't worn since the trip everywhere and a few bear cans on my night stand. It all might not seem like a big deal, but it was a mess. Remember, we'd taken the trip shortly after me getting arrested and Luke wasn't allowed to come.

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