you're nervous to meet her friends (requested)

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"Are you ready?" Taylor asked as she came up behind you, hugging you close.

Today, you're meeting some of Taylor's closest friends, and your heart is pounding with nervousness just thinking about it.

Some of the friends you'll be meeting include Selena, Gigi, Blake, Ryan, Aaron, Jack, and Camila.

They're coming over to Taylor's house to meet you for the first time, so you can all have a fun little gathering together.

Honestly, you're not sure how you feel about it.

Part of you is undeniably excited thinking about meeting Taylor's closest friends because that's a huge step that she was more than ready to take with you.

But that's also what makes you so nervous.

You don't want to mess up somehow and have them hate you because that would completely ruin your relationship.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Taylor asked as she brushed her hand across your back.

"No. I'm nervous."

"Baby, there's no reason to be nervous."

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one meeting some of your girlfriend's closest friends. It's huge and I don't want to blow it."

You turned around to face her and she stared at you sadly.

Because even though she was confident that her friends would adore you, she hated seeing you so nervous and she knows that there's not much she can say to make you feel better.

She parted her lips to speak, only to hear a knock at the door.

"They're here!" She smiled and kissed your cheek before going to the door.

Her friends entered one by one, some arriving a few minutes later than others but all of them were there before you knew it.

"Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are my friends." Taylor said, introducing you to everyone.

Selena was the first to step up to you and throw her arms around you for a huge hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" She said happily as she kindly brushed her hands across your arms.

"Taylor talks about you so much that I feel like I already know you," Jack said.

Taylor's cheeks turned red and a giggle left her lips because, well, it was true.

She talks about you all the time.

"You're even more beautiful than Taylor said!" Gigi smiled.

After exchanging hugs and hello's, you all sat down to get to know each other better.

"She was so nervous before you all showed up," Taylor said as she squeezed your hand. "I think she's letting go a little though. She seems to be more at ease."

"I am." You said. "You're all so nice! I just didn't want to screw up and have you all hate me or something."

"Oh, please. That could never happen!" Camila spoke.

"You make Taylor so happy. I have never seen her as happy as she is now and I've known her a long time. She adores you." Selena grinned.

"All that matters is Taylor being happy. You make her happy. Therefore, we adore you, too." Aaron spoke.

"See. They adore you, almost as much as I do." Taylor smiled before pecking your lips.

Everyone around you aww'd and cooed at the sight and you couldn't help but grin, feeling so happy that Taylor's friends like you just as much as you like them.

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