I'll always be here for you (requested)

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"Here's your bill for this evening." The waitress spoke as she placed the bill for the meal you and Taylor shared on the table. "Thank you for coming tonight and I hope you ladies have a wonderful night!"

"Thank you." Taylor smiled as she watched you reach for the bill.

You gasped as soon as you saw the price.

"How much is it?" She asked as she gently took it from you.

It was well over a hundred dollars.

Taylor took you to one of the fanciest spots in town tonight so it shouldn't surprise you that it's extremely expensive but you've never had a meal this expensive before so it caught you off guard.

"Oh, that's not bad." She said.

YOu reached for your wallet and frowned.

"How much is my half?"

"Don't worry about it. I've got it, baby." She said with a sweet smile.

"No, Tay, I can't let you cover the whole bill."

"Y/N, really, it's no big deal. It was my idea to come here tonight." She said as she put her hand over yours. "I've got it."

You felt a little guilty despite her reassurance and her enthusiasm to pay the bill.

Truth is, before you got with Taylor, you'd never had meals like this and you'd never been to these kinds of places.

It's way out of your price range and growing up, your parents could never afford it.

Your parents always worked so hard to make sure they made ends meet and that you were taken care of but they always seemed to struggle regardless.

Putting food on the table, buying new clothes, and going on nice trips to nice places were never really easy to do.

And now that you're with Taylor, she does so much for you that you're just not used to.

You've been together for a couple of months now, and your relationship getting quite serious now.

But you haven't ever told her about the struggles you faced growing up.

You're just not open about it.

"Why are you so quiet, darling? You're not upset that you couldn't pay, right? Because I told you, I don't mind, really."

"I know, Tay, I know you say that. I'm just not used to people doing things like this for me." You confessed as she grabbed your hand. "I came from a family that couldn't afford much. I'm used to microwavable dinners, ramen, macaroni and cheese. Not anything that I want on a menu that prices a meal at fifty dollars."

She frowned as she listened to you, bringing your hand to her lips for a kiss.

"Growing up, I could barely afford new clothes. We used to go to food banks to get food. My parents worked so hard to care for me and always make sure that I had the things I needed but it was always a struggle. They had so much debt, so many bills, and their paychecks never covered everything. We never had it easy."

She got up from her booth and sat in the one beside you.

"I'm just not used to people doing things like this for me. Taking me nice places, buying me nice meals and gifts."

"I don't want this come to off the wrong way so please don't take it badly, okay? But is that why you're always so careful with your money? I can't remember the last time I saw you do something nice for yourself with your own paychecks."

"Yeah. I guess I just got so used to having to be careful with everything. Sometimes, I get scared that I'll struggle like my parents did. Sometimes I feel guilty for all they want through for me, even though I was just a kid and they were just being good parents."

"That's normal, darling." She said. "I'm sorry you had it so hard. But I promise you, you never have to worry again, okay? Because I'm here for you and I'll always take care of you."

"I don't want you to think I'm with you for your money, Tay. That's not who I am."

"I know that, baby. I do, trust me. I could never think that. I've met those people before and you're not them, I know that. But I'm lucky enough to be able to have more than a lot of others do and I want to always use that for good. Whether that be by helping my fans, helping charities, helping random strangers, or helping my girlfriend."

You smiled a little as she stared into your eyes adoringly.

"I'm not saying that I have to cover everything for you, I know you're independent and that you can take care of yourself. But if the day ever comes that you're struggling to afford a new outfit or to put food on your table, you tell me right away so I can help and take care of you."


"I'm not here to judge you when and if you fall on hard times. Everyone does, right? Life is far from easy and I know that things are so overpriced and so hard to afford these days. So if you find yourself struggling to just exist, I'm here to help, okay? You just say the word. I'd never expect for you to pay me back, I'd never hold it over your head or shame you for it. I just want you to be safe and cared for and as your girlfriend, I want to help in any way that I can."

You kissed her lips lovingly and then put your head on her shoulder.

"You're my everything, Y/N. I'll always be here for you, I promise." She said as she kissed your head and gazed at you lovingly, knowing that you were the one for her and she'd do anything for you, no matter what that consisted of.

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