she has a stomach bug on tour (requested)

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Your eyes fluttered open in the dark hotel room to find that Taylor was no longer in bed beside you.

You rubbed your eyes and looked around the room for her, only to find the bathroom light on and the door closed.

You figured she was just using the bathroom and she'd be out any second so you laid back down and closed your eyes again.

But the unmistakable sound of gagging came from inside the bathroom a few seconds later and, once more, your eyes flew open.

You jumped out of bed and hurried into the bathroom to find Taylor on the floor in front of the toilet.

She was holding her hair back as she vomited and as soon as she heard you open the door, she wiped her mouth with her free hand and looked over at you with a miserable and tired gaze.

"Y/N," She whined before getting sick again.

You hurried over to her and knelt behind her before gently taking her hair into your hand so she could focus on getting sick.

Your nose wrinkled in disgust over the sound of her vomiting and gagging but you didn't dare move and you didn't hesitate to bring her as much comfort as you could.

"It's okay, my love. Let it out."

She continued to vomit for a few more moments and you used your free hand to rub her back and comfort her through it.

"Let it all out. It's alright, Tay," You softly spoke.

And, finally, the sound of vomiting came to an end and Taylor let out a heavy breath as she hung her head.

She flushed the toilet and groaned as the disgusting taste lingered on her tongue, almost wanting to make her sick again.

"I'm so sorry if I woke you." She said as she leaned back against you.

"No, baby, don't even mention it. It happens. Sleep is the least of my worries right now." You said as you brushed your fingers across her arms. "I'd much rather be here with you and care for you."

She put her head back against your shoulder and stared into your eyes with her tired ones.

"How are you feeling, darling? Any better?"

"A little. I woke up with a terrible stomachache and I knew I was going to be sick eventually. Am I running a fever though?"

You gently laid your hand on her forehead.

It felt warm as if she was running a slight fever but nothing too bad.

"A little one."

She nodded tiredly.

"Do you think you're done getting sick?"

"Yeah. For now, at least."

"Okay, that's good. Need some help getting back to bed?"

She nodded and you helped her stand up.

She leaned against you since she was weak and tired, having lost all of her energy and strength.

You held her as she brushed her teeth until the taste was no longer lingering on her tongue.

You helped her back to the bed and made sure she was tucked in all nice and cozy before you laid back down next to her.

"What am I going to do?" She groaned. "I'm pretty sure I have a stomach bug and I have a show tomorrow."

"Taylor, I think your fans will understand if you're too sick to perform."

"But I don't ever cancel shows. I don't want to do that to them." She said in sadness.

"Baby, your health comes first, always. But, who knows, maybe by then you'll feel better and up to performing. We'll just have to wait and see what happens."

"Okay." She said before she curled up to you.

She put her head on your chest, wanting to be the small spoon tonight.

And you were more than okay with that.

You put your arms around her, though loosely, and you held her close.

"I love you so much, baby. If you need me at all tonight, don't hesitate to wake me and let me know."

"Okay, baby. I promise I will." She said. "I love you too."

Her blue eyes looked so heavy, so you brushed your fingers through her hair and watched them slip shut.

"Get some sleep, my love. I'm right here with you."

She hummed a little as she found comfort in your touch and embrace.

And as she drifted off to sleep, you just watched her, despite your own eyes being quite heavy.

You just love her so much and all you can do is hope that she'll be better in no time.

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