calling her doctor Taylor (requested)

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You smiled to yourself as you entered the kitchen to find Taylor searching through the cupboards.

Sinking your teeth into your lip, you admired how incredibly beautiful she is.

Sometimes, you can't help but wonder to yourself how on earth you ever got so lucky.

What did you do right to deserve to call her yours?

"What are you doing, baby?" You asked.

"Trying to find us something to eat so I can make us some dinner." She answered, her back still facing you.

"You're so sweet." You spoke quietly, staring at her with eyes full of love as she turned her head and stared at you happily.

She's been working so hard lately and still makes time for you and now, she wants to make dinner for the both of you?

You swear, you just fall even more in love with her every day.

She's truly amazing.

Feeling as though your heart might just burst from the love you felt for her, you knew you had to hold her in your arms.

So you came up behind her and wrapped your arms around her, causing her to giggle happily.

"Hello, doctor Taylor." You teased as you kissed her shoulder.

She closed the cupboard doors before turning around to face you.

"What'd you call me, darling?"

"Doctor Taylor." You said. "Is that okay? I mean, on paper, you are a doctor. All of your fans love calling you that. I think as your biggest fan and your girlfriend, I should be able to do it too."

"It's fine with me." She smiled. "More than fine, actually. It's just... making me feel some sort of way."

You giggled as she put her hands on your hips to pull you closer.

"Yeah? Do you like it when I call you that? Doctor Taylor?" You whispered in her ear, kissing the spot right below it.

"Oh, yeah. It sounds so hot." She said as she bit her lip, holding back a moan as you kissed her neck. "Almost as hot as you are, baby girl."

She was in one of those moods; she was getting very flirty.

"Can doctor Taylor feel your forehead, baby? Because you're either running a fever or you're very hot."

You chuckled against her lips as she pecked them softly.

"I think you're lacking some vitamin me." She said and smiled from ear to ear as you giggled in response. "I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away."

"Oh, doctor Taylor, you are very flirtatious." You said as you kissed her again.

"That's right, baby." She smirked against your lips. "Now, why don't we go to the bedroom and I'll give you a full body exam."

You couldn't help but laugh and you wrapped your arms around her neck, loving this side of her.

"Eating an apple a day can't keep me away."

You stared into her sparkling blue eyes as your heart fluttered.

"So, note to self, calling you Doctor Taylor makes you very flirty."

"You, in general, make me very flirty. I like flirting with you because you always smile and laugh and that makes me happy." She said as she brushed her fingers across your back. "But, yes, you should call me Doctor Taylor more often."

You closed your eyes as she started to kiss your neck.

"Will do, doctor Taylor." You said with a shaky breath, enjoying every brush of her lips on your soft skin.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now