inspiring her to write dress (requested)

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Author's Note: Someone asked me to write this in my Taylor imagines as it was originally a chapter in my reputation era imagines. I tried to make it as different as I could from that version while also keeping the most important parts worked in.

Enjoy, my loves 🖤


You pressed a few more passionate kisses to Taylor's lips as she held your cheeks in her palms.

She smiled against your lips as you let out one more soft sigh before collapsing on the bed next to her.

It's well after one am and you and Taylor have been occupied for the last couple of hours by stealing kisses from each other's lips while you stayed as close as you could to her.

Her warm, bare skin felt so good against your own as you got lost in each other in the best way imaginable.

She couldn't help but grin as she gazed over at you, noticing that your eyes were closed and you were smiling from ear to ear.

"That was incredible." You said as you turned to look at her.

"It really was." She happily replied.

Both of you were still coming down from the clouds and the euphoria you had both felt while being intimate with each other.

This is new for you both.

Because, honestly, it's only been a few months since you first met.

But your relationship isn't really normal since you and Taylor ran off to London together a couple of months ago; just a few months after you first met and began dating.

However, it was undeniable - you are very in love with each other, despite taking chances some couples wouldn't take so soon.

For Taylor, you would do anything, and tonight just felt right.

All it was meant to be was the two of you sharing a nice meal in the living room together with some wine.

But the wine and the candles that were lit to help set the romantic mood made the kisses you shared while eating turn into something more.

Soon, the food was forgotten about as you headed into the bedroom and you got caught up in each other beneath the soft sheets.

It was so perfect and now, you're just in a daze, feeling like the happiest girl in the entire world as you stare at Taylor with an adoring gaze.

"You make me so happy." You whispered as she reached for your hand.

"You make me so happy too, darling." She smiled as she kissed your hand. "I love it here in London with you, where no one else knows that we exist besides each other and the cats."

You giggled happily before moving into her embrace.

"I feel the same way. It's like we found our little slice of paradise." You spoke as you brushed your thumb across her lips.

She stared at you with those soft blue eyes that you've fallen so in love with as she began to get lost in her thoughts.

Her gaze traveled from you to the bedroom floor, where the dress she'd worn tonight for the romantic meal in the living room was.

It might seem silly to dress up so much for a date in your own home but since Taylor is living life out of the spotlight and all the dates you share are in here, sometimes she dresses up or you dress up to just make it a little fancier.

It was a beautiful dress; it brought out her beautiful blue eyes even more, making them pop and making her look irresistible.

It didn't stay on her body for very long, hitting the floor soon after you laid her down on the bed.

If you're honest, you practically ripped it off of her and as she thought back on it, it made her smile.

However, she couldn't seem to stop thinking about it.

See, despite her staying out of the spotlight for the last couple of months and for months to come, she's still always thinking about music.

Music is her life.

She's very passionate about it.

It flows through her veins, it's almost as if she lives and breathes for it.

So her mind always wanders there and little things still spark creativity for her, causing lyrics to pop into her very creative brain.

Even though now isn't the time and it probably won't happen for a while, she does think about the day she'll return to music and what she'll release.

And she couldn't help but think that, maybe, a song about tonight would be good to put on a future album.

"What's on your mind, baby? What are you thinking about?" You asked her as you kissed her neck softly.

"You." She whispered as she brushed her fingers across your bare back. "Us. Tonight. How perfect it was. And that dress."

You chuckled as you bit your lip and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I might write a song about tonight."

"About tonight? You mean our very private and very intimate relationship?" You teased, causing her to giggle.

"Not necessarily that part. My fans and the world don't need to know every little detail about our very intimate relationship." She grinned as she playfully raised her eyebrows. "I was just thinking more about that dress. How I wore it just for my girl to take it off."

You kissed the corners of her lips with a giggle.

"How much you mean to me, how you've changed my life so much, how much I love that it's just us here and nothing can come between us. About how in love I am and always will be. Nothing too detailed, of course. But I feel good about myself and my life right now, more than I ever have before. You've made everything better and I want the world to know that you're the reason I'm happier than ever. I'm not afraid to be myself anymore."

You brushed your fingers across her hips with a soft smile.

"I think I'll call it dress." She smirked. "Kinda leaves you wondering what it might entail when you judge it just by the title. I think I have some ideas for some lyrics already."

"Well, if you want to go do a little writing, it's alright with me." You assured.

"Later." She whispered before pulling you a little closer.

You put your head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat as she held you close.

"First, I think we should clean up."

"Not yet." You whined. "I just want to be here with you. Just hold me for a while. Please, Tay?"

She gazed into your eyes with her bright blue ones before nodding and kissing your lips softly.

"Okay. Anything for you, my beautiful girl."

You snuggled up to her a little more with a blissful hum as she began to play with your hair, neither of you in any rush to move and let these moments end.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now