you get sick in the audience (requested)

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"Are you sure that you feel like watching the show from the crowd? You don't look like you're feeling that well, darling." Taylor said as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and stared at you in concern.

Truth be told, you didn't feel that well tonight.

You felt sick to your stomach and you didn't want to do much of anything at all.

But you always support Taylor from the crowd and honestly, you figured it was something that would pass in no time.

So you nodded your head and closed your eyes as she kissed your forehead softly.

"If you're sure. You do feel a little warm though. If you change your mind and want to come rest instead, I understand." She said as a crew member knocked on the door, telling her that it was showtime.

She kissed your cheek and then went on stage as you went to the crowd.

Things were fine for a little while.

You thought that you'd be fine and later on, with a good night's rest, the sick feeling would go away and you'd wake up perfectly fine tomorrow.

However, as the show progressed, you began to feel worse.

And suddenly, your stomach began to turn and your mouth started to water.

And you knew you were going to be sick.

You covered your mouth with your hand and tried to avoid capturing the attention of the fans and especially Taylor because the last thing you wanted to do was worry her.

But as hard as you tried to get backstage before you got sick, you didn't make it in time and you ended up vomiting in the crowd.

As Taylor sang willow, you vomited in the front row, and as hard as you tried to avoid it, a lot of eyes were on you.

A guard quickly hurried to your side and began to comfort you as Taylor continued to perform, completely unaware of what was happening.

"Are you okay?" The guard asked.

You shook your head as you wiped your mouth, still feeling sick to your stomach and embarrassed now, too.

"It's okay. Let's get you backstage, okay?"

You nodded as you finished puking, blinking away the tears in your eyes as the guard helped you backstage.

Taylor frowned as she saw you being helped back there and her heart dropped when a fan caught her attention.

"She got sick!"

Taylor completed the song before clearing her throat, so worried about you that she couldn't even focus on performing.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I'll be back in just a minute. My girlfriend is sick so I need to check up on her. I promise I'll be back!"

She got up and hurried backstage to you.

She found you curled up on the sofa in the dressing room, shivering with a bucket next to you.

"Baby, what happened?" She asked as she hurried to your side.

"I threw up, Tay." You said as she sat down beside you. "In front of everyone. It was so embarrassing."

"Baby, it happens. It's out of your control. You're sick."

She put her hand back on your forehead.

"You are burning up now."

"I feel awful. I'm so cold."

"Can I get a blanket, please?" She yelled out as she got up and grabbed her hoodie from across the room.

She put it over you, covering you up with it.

A crew member came in with a blanket and Taylor quickly covered you up, hoping it'd keep you nice and warm.

"There, darling. Hopefully, that'll help a little."

"I'm so sorry."

"Gor what?" She asked with a look of sadness in her eyes.

"Getting sick and making you stop the show."

"Baby girl, you didn't make me do anything. I chose to because I was worried about you. And as far as getting sick goes, baby, it happens. Don't apologize. All I care about is you getting some rest and feeling better."

You closed your eyes as she caressed your warm cheek.

"Do you still feel sick?"


"Okay. I have to go finish the show but every break I have, I'm coming back to check on you. I'll be done before you know it and then we can go to the bus and cuddle and rest. Until then, you try to sleep and if you need anything, you let someone know. And if you need me, have someone get my attention immediately. I'll come back here to you in a heartbeat."

"Okay. I love you, Tay."

"I love you more." She said as she kissed your forehead. "Get some rest. Feel better."

You watched her leave the room before you closed your eyes and fell asleep, hoping you'd feel better soon.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now