don't flirt with my girl (requested)

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"Oh, that must be the pizza!" Taylor smiled as she unwrapped her arms from around you. "Do you want to grab it while I go get some plates and some napkins?"

"Of course." You said before kissing her lips softly.

You both got up from the sofa and while she went into the kitchen, you headed to the door.

"Hello!" You kindly greeted the delivery guy.

"Hello." He said before he licked his lips and looked you up and down.

"How much is it?" You asked a few seconds later, breaking the silence.

"Oh, uh..." He paused as he reached for the receipt attached to the box. "Twenty dollars."

You grabbed the money off the table and handed it to him, along with a few dollars for a tip.

"There's a tip for you as well. Have a good night!" You said as you grabbed the pizza box and went to close the door.

But before you could, he put his foot in the door to stop you.

"Wait, baby." He said and, immediately, you were uncomfortable.

You don't like anyone but Taylor calling you that and something about the way he said it made you incredibly uncomfortable.

"Don't do that yet. Let's talk."

"No thanks. You're a delivery driver, I got what I ordered, and that's all there is to it." You said. "Now, move your foot, please."

"Not going to happen." He spoke. "I don't understand why you're being so rude to me. I was thinking that we could go out to dinner."

"I'm good."

Again, you tried to close the door, but his foot prevented you from doing so.

As did his hand that he let thud against the door.

You saw him clench his jaw, almost as if he was angry at the way you were replying.

"I'm not being rude to you so don't be rude back, baby."

"Stop calling me baby." You warned. "Taylor!"

Taylor was just about to exit the kitchen and return to the living room a second before you shouted her name.

But she hurried to your side upon hearing the urgency in your voice.

"What's going on?"' She asked as she put the stuff down on the table, where you had placed the pizza box a moment later.

"This creep won't stop flirting with me and he won't let me close the door."

Taylor folded her arms over her chest as she stared the guy down.

"Don't flirt with my girl." She warned as she clenched her jaw. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all. I'm just into this pretty girl here and she's not being very nice."

"Maybe that's because you're making her uncomfortable," Taylor said as she stepped in front of you. "And don't call her that. This pretty girl is already taken. She's mine. So, I'm going to ask you to leave her alone and get off of our property."

The guy just scoffed at her.

"Something funny?"

He just looked past her, his gaze still on you.

"You can either move your foot on your own or in a second, you're going to have one less foot. I'm warning you right now. Stop flirting with my girlfriend and get out of here."

"I'm calling the police." You said as you reached for your phone.

"Don't bother." the guy spoke. "I'm leaving. But just know," He said as he looked at Taylor. "You're incredibly lucky. She's very sexy."

"And you're very weird. Now get out of here. I'm going to be calling your boss and letting him know about this. Your job is to deliver pizza not flirt with the customers and make them uncomfortable. Now go!"

She slammed the door and just before she did, seeing how serious she was, he moved his foot out of the way.

After closing it, she turned the lock and watched out the window to make sure that he left.

When he did, you both let out breaths of relief.

"What a creep." You said as she pulled you into her arms.

"Are you okay, baby?" She asked as she brushed her fingers along your arms soothingly.

"I'm good. Thanks to you." You spoke before kissing her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"And, god, have I ever mentioned how hot it is when you get so jealous and protective?"

"Quite a few times." She laughed. "But I never get tired of hearing you say it."

You smiled again as she pulled you in for another kiss.

"People are weird, baby. I promise that I'll always keep you safe and never let anyone hurt you." She assured. "And I'll be calling that place back later to make sure that never happens again; to you or anyone else."

You put your arms around her to hold her tight, so thankful that she had been there to make sure that the situation didn't get worse.

"No one will ever flirt with my girl like that again."

"I love you, Tay," You smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora