do you want to meet Taylor? (requested)

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Tonight feels like a dream.

You're in the crowd at the Nashville show, watching your biggest inspiration perform.

The girl you love with all of your heart isn't too far away from your seat as she performs and being able to see her tonight is a dream come true.

You're unashamed as you sing at the top of your lungs to every word of every song.

You're having the time of your life and it's evident to everyone around you, including one special person that's going around the stadium to look for fans like you.

Taylor was in the middle of performing delicate when you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder.

Turning your head, you gasped as you saw that it was her mom, Andrea.

"Hi!" She said with a soft smile. "It's very nice to meet you. Are you enjoying the show tonight?"

"Yes, so much! It's the best concert I've ever seen. I'm having so much fun!"

Your grin was bigger and brighter than ever and Andrea could see that you were genuinely enjoying yourself tonight.

"Is the first Taylor show you've ever been to?"

You nodded your head.

"And I'm enjoying every second!"

"I can tell! You're very happy, that's wonderful!" She smiled. "Listen, do you have anything going on after the show or anything?"


"Well, you know Taylor does this thing after every show where she meets fans backstage. We often look for fans who are genuinely passionate about Taylor and her music and they're really excited and enthusiastic."

You nodded as you listened to her closely.

"So, with that being said, would you like to meet Taylor?"

Your heart almost exploded out of your chest.

Was this really happening?

She held out a pass for you to take and you happily did so.

You covered your mouth with your hand as you stared at it.

It was official.

You were meeting Taylor.

"Have fun! We'll see you after the show!" She said and gave you a quick hug before walking away.

You had tears in your eyes as you realized that the woman you look up to more than anything in the world will be standing directly in front of you in only a little bit.

You'll be meeting her tonight.

You're meeting Taylor Swift.

It felt so surreal that you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming and you realized that you weren't.

It was actually happening.

Dreams really do come true.

You stared back out from the crowd at Taylor as it sank in that soon, you'll be able to hug her and thank her for changing your life.

And you couldn't wait.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt