you go into labor backstage (requested)

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"Have an amazing show tonight, baby." You told Taylor as you walked backstage together.

"Thank you, my love." She smiled before giving you a sweet kiss. "You're feeling okay? The baby is doing well?"

"Yes, we're both fine. No need to worry. You just go out there and give your fans the best show ever. You do every time."

She brushed her hand across your bump as she adoringly stared at it, feeling the baby move around as she did so.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." You replied, only for her to shake her head at you.

"No, not you, the baby!" She said before kissing your stomach.

"Oh, wow, thanks, Tay." You pouted, making her laugh.

"I love you too though. You know that. I love both of you very much." She said as she kissed you again.

"We love you too. Now, go perform. You're going to do great." You said.

She kissed your cheek and then your bump, just as her mom reached your side.

"You'll watch both of my babies?" Taylor asked her.

"I do every show." Andrea smiled. "No worries, honey. You know that if anything happens, you'll be notified right away. They'll be okay. You just go out there and have a great show."

"Thanks, mom." She said before giving her mom a quick hug.

"See you in a few," Taylor said before giving your bump one last caress and then making her way onto the stage.

For a while, everything was great.

You enjoyed every single performance, as you always do.

You sang along and cheered for her as she put on yet another incredible show.

It wasn't even halfway through when you felt a sudden sharp pain in your stomach.

You winced and sank your teeth into your lip, hoping it would just go away soon.

Andrea noticed you sinking your teeth into your lip and she grew worried right away.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." You spoke as the pain faded away.

But it didn't stay gone for very long.

It returned after a few minutes and this time, it was worse than before.

This time, it made you double over.

Andrea placed her hand on your back as she frowned.

"What's the matter, honey?"

"I-I think something's happening. I think the baby is coming."

Andrea went wide-eyed, as did other crew members who noticed what was happening.

"Breathe," Andrea whispered as she rubbed your back. "Breathe deep, you're doing good."

You took a few deep breaths as you tried to fight through the pain.

If it wasn't already obvious to you and Andrea that you were in labor, it was definitely obvious when your pants became damp from your water.

"Yeah, you're in labor for sure," Andrea said. "Try and stay calm. I'll get someone to get Taylor."

"No! You can't."

Tree quickly hurried to your side.

"Get Taylor," Andrea told her, only for you to argue with her again.

"No, please. Not right now. She's still performing, the show isn't even halfway through yet." You said.

"Y/N, honey, we have to get you to the hospital. You're about to have a baby and we can't just push that off." She said as she rubbed your shoulder.

You shook your head, making Andrea and Tree sigh, both of them continuing to try to convince you to let them get Taylor.

The pain was getting worse.

Sweat was gathering on your forehead and you were squeezing Andrea's hand as she and Tree tried to comfort you.

"Breathe. You're doing great." Andrea said as Tree rubbed your shoulder.

"We have to get Taylor." Tree said. "Things are moving fast."

It seemed that your baby was in quite a hurry.

There wasn't much of a break between the pain and it was all getting so much closer together.

"No." You whined. "You can't. The fans will be crushed."

"The fans will understand that you are about to bring a human into the world. Taylor deserves to be present for that." Tree said as she continued to comfort you.

"Y/N, honey, you and Taylor have been waiting so long to meet this beautiful little baby. She's been so excited to watch them come into the world and as happy as Tree and I are to comfort you through this, we both know that you'd be more comfortable with Taylor. I truly don't think we have much time left to work with before it's time and we can't push this off any longer."

You exhaled shakily before nodding at Andrea.


Tree waved a staff member over and told them to get Taylor.

They hurried onto the stage and rushed over to Taylor, whispering in her ear that you were very close to bringing your baby into the world, and you needed to get to the hospital now.

"Oh, my god," Taylor said. "Guys, I promise I will reschedule this show and make it up to you all. You know that Y/N and I are expecting a baby and it's about time, so I have to go!"

The fans cheered in excitement as Taylor hurried backstage to you.

"Taylor!" You breathed out in relief.

"Hey, my love." She softly spoke as she grabbed your hand.

You squeezed it as hard as you possibly could, almost making Taylor wonder if it would break.

But she didn't complain; not even in the slightest.

"It's happening, Tay." You sniffled. "We're having a baby."

"We are," She said, her smile bigger than you'd ever seen before. "Why didn't you let someone tell me sooner?"

"Because I didn't want to interrupt your show."

"I don't care about the show when our baby is about to enter the world." She said as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles. "That's something I wouldn't ever miss for anything in the world."

"Okay." You said as she kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Let's just go have a baby."

You nodded and she and Andrea helped you out to the car.

You were barely hanging on, feeling everything get closer and closer.

Honestly, it felt as though the baby was ready to enter the world right then and there.

"Just keep breathing, keep hanging in there, darling. We're almost there, I promise."

The driver stepped on the gas as Taylor pleaded with him to go faster, terrified that if he didn't, your baby might be born before you reach the hospital.

"You're doing so good. I'm proud of you."

You cracked a tiny smile as she brushed her fingers across your cheek and stared at you lovingly.

"I love you." She whispered as she kissed your temple softly.

"I love you too and I'm sorry for squeezing your hand so tight."

"I don't care." She reassured. "Squeeze as hard as you want, darling, I don't mind at all. I've got you and I'm not leaving your side. I promise."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now