homemade creams - part two (requested)

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There was a request in the comments for this and I just decided to make it into a second part. Enjoy!


When you awoke the next morning, your rash from the homemade cream had pretty much faded away.

You just got out of the shower, the smell of your body wash lingering in the air in the bathroom.

Taylor was leaning against the door with a bright smile on her face as she watched you dry off and pull one of her shirts over your head.

You reached for your sweats, only for her to protest.

"No." She said as she came over to you. "Don't wear those. Stay in just my shirt."

"Tay," You said as you started to shake your head.

Even though you do feel better about your stretch marks and your body in general thanks to her words of love and wisdom yesterday, you still feel a little insecure.

The stretch marks on your stomach were covered by her shirt but the ones on your hips, thighs, and legs were still noticeable because all you had on was one of her shirts.

"Shh." She said as she pulled you into her arms. "Remember what I said yesterday? I love your stretch marks, baby. They're just so pretty."

You relaxed in her arms as she began to brush her fingers across your body.

"Come on." She said as she let you go.

She took your hand and led you to the bed and had you lay down before she hovered over you.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"I told you I was going to shower you with love and praise, so that's exactly what I'm doing." She said with a little smile.

Her bright blue eyes traveled down your body, her fingertips lifting her shirt on your body.

She admired the stretch marks on your stomach, just gazing at them with pure love in her eyes before she began to kiss them softly.

She trailed her kisses to your hips, your thighs, and your legs.

And as her soft lips brushed against all the stretch marks across them, her fingertips did the same.

Her touch wasn't one of want or lust, it was just her trying to caress your stretch marks because she wanted you to see how much she loves them in hopes that that would make you love them too.

"You're just so beautiful." She whispered as she kissed the stretch marks on your thighs. "I know you feel insecure sometimes. I know you don't always love your body, but I wish you'd stop being so hard on yourself. Because I know you see these as flaws. But I just see beauty."

Your heart melted over her sweet, loving words.

"I love your body so much. Not just your stretch marks, but every single thing. Every scar, every bump, every inch of your gorgeous body."

She knows how hard you are on yourself, how unkind you can be to your own reflection and your body.

She knows that you've never been good at giving yourself the love you give others, especially her.

You never judge others for their bodies and their appearances but, for some reason, it's just different when it comes to you.

You just don't see much beauty when it comes to yourself.

But Taylor was determined to change that because she loves every inch of you and wants you to love yourself too.

"My beautiful girl," She said as she kissed your legs. "You couldn't be more perfect if you tried."

"I'm far from perfect, Taylor."

She shook her head as she looked up at you.

"You're perfect in my eyes." She whispered softly. "Everything about you, inside and out, is just stunning, baby. I fall even more in love with you every day. I think you're a miracle."

You smiled as she continued to kiss your skin, especially your stretch marks.

"I'm so in love with you." She said as she trailed kisses up to your lips. "And there's nothing in this world that could change that. No matter what your body looks like, no matter what happens, you will always be perfect to me and you will always have my whole heart."

She kissed your lips lovingly.

"And, someday, maybe, you won't see these things as flaws but rather things that make you special and even more lovable."

"Maybe." You said as you stared into her eyes. "With your help, with your endless love and praise, I might just get there."

She smiled brightly before kissing you again.

"Then I'll never stop giving you that." She promised. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said as you kissed her again, feeling beautiful, thanks to her.

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