the man (requested)

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"Okay. It's up." Taylor said as she watched the video for the man go live.

She had you wrapped in her arms and her phone open on the floor.

She was keeping social media open so she could see the response from the fans as soon as the video came out.

It's different from the other videos that she's done before and one of her absolute favorites, so she's excited to see their reaction.

It's also very exciting because you're in this video too.

In the scene where the girls swoon over the man, who is played by Taylor, you got to star as one of the girls.

It's the first time you've ever done anything like this before and you're just as excited to see the fans' reaction to your little cameo.

The fans absolutely adore you, especially now that you and Taylor are married.

They trust you with Taylor's entire heart and they know that you're as loyal as can be.

Or, at least you and Taylor thought that they thought that way.

Because when the video ended and she grabbed her phone to see the reaction from fans across social media, she was surprised to see so many negative things being said about you.

See, though Taylor plays the man in the video, she didn't come out and say it.

There are no posts about it and nothing at the end saying it starred her as the man.

She, of course, had plans to change that later on but she wanted to see how many of the fans could figure out that it was her before she announced it.

But it seems that a lot of them don't know that it's her and you're swooning over the man in the video is being heavily criticized.

"Guess I should've just come out and said that it was me at the end." She mumbled as she continued to scroll through tweets from the fans.

"Why, baby?"

"Because the fans aren't exactly being very nice to you."

You frowned as you turned to face her, noticing the sad look in her eyes.

"She looks kinda cozy with him."

"Aren't she and Taylor married? Why is she so cozy with the guy in the video?"

"Why did Taylor include the scene where Y/N is practically drooling over the guy in the video? If my wife was that cozy with someone else, I'd be furious."

She read the tweets aloud and the sad thing to her was that they just kept coming.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I thought it would be fun to see if they could figure out that it was me but maybe I should've just come out and said so. You wouldn't be receiving this much negativity if I did."

"Tay, baby, it happens. They're just not figuring it out yet." You said as you began to comfort her. "I'm not upset about it. People just don't know."

Seeing more negative tweets roll in made Taylor shake her head in disappointment.

"Your fans are just protective of you. It's okay, I get it."

"Yeah, well, the things they keep saying aren't okay with me. I'm going to post about it." She said as she grabbed her phone.

"Taylor, it's alright. It can wait."

"It can't, Y/N. You're not seeing the tweets I am. Some of them aren't nice at all. I don't want them thinking badly of you." She protectively spoke. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

You watched her open her Instagram and load up the photos she'd taken of her dressed up as the man.

She began to type out a long caption and you peeked over her shoulder in curiosity, watching as she typed out every word.

"Are you all enjoying the video for the man? I had so much fun starring in it! Yes, surprise, I was the man. I was originally going to keep it a secret until later on because I wanted to see how many of you could figure it out but it seems that some of you are upset with my wife, who swooned over the man (me) in the video. I know she seems kinda cozy with him but it's all good because that was me! :) She did such a great job in her little role, didn't she? I'm so proud."

You smiled to yourself and held onto her as she continued to write out her thoughts, hoping it'd help clear the air and get the negativity to stop.

"I hope all of you give her an apology if you were one of the ones that were negative towards her. All is well and we are still going strong, as always. I hope you keep watching the video and enjoy it as much as we do! Love, Taylor."

She hit the post button and the likes began rolling in, as did the tweets from fans about how sorry they were for jumping to conclusions and saying bad things about you.

"There. All better." She smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great!" You grinned as you scooted back into her arms. "Thank you for clearing that all up. It seemed to bother you a lot."

"That's because I don't like people saying anything bad about my girl." She smiled as she pecked your lips. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too." You smiled and kissed her again.

"Perhaps, I'll put you in more videos in the future." She suggested as she squeezed you tightly.

"I'd like that." You said as you put your head on her shoulder. "For now, though, can we watch the video again?"

"Sure!" She happily said before playing the video once more.

And you watched it together, enjoying every second with your beautiful and talented wife.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now