she accidentally gives you a black eye and people see it (requested)

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"Stop it!" Taylor laughed as she squirmed underneath you on the bed.

You playfully tickled her sides and she's laughing so hard that her stomach is starting to ache.

"Not a chance. You ate the rest of my cookies! You deserve to be tickled." You joked as she continued to laugh, almost in tears at this point.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She giggled.

"Sorry isn't good enough, baby." You teased as she threw her head back, loud and joyous laughs slipping from her lips.

"I'm going to get you for this, I swear!" She said as she put her hands on your shoulders, trying to push you away.

But her eyes were closed and even though she wasn't in pain and was actually enjoying these moments with you, she did want the tickling to stop, even just for a minute.

So she was trying to push away and her hands moved from your shoulders and as she went to playfully hit your arm, her hand came into contact with your eye instead.

"Ouch!" You said as you stopped tickling her.

You covered your eye where she had hit you and instantly, Taylor began to panic.

"What happened? Did I hurt you, baby?" She worriedly asked as she put her hand on your arm.

"You hurt me." You pouted.

"Oh, darling, I swear it was just an accident! I would never hit you on purpose. I would never hurt you like that. I'm so sorry." She said as she pulled you into her arms, hugging you tight.

"It's okay, Tay," You said as you held her just as tight.

You could see that she felt absolutely awful and you know Taylor better than anyone, well enough to know that she loves you way too much to ever lay her hands on you other than out of love.

"Let me get you some ice."

She was getting up from the bed and hurrying down the stairs to get you some ice and a cloth before you could protest.

She returned a moment later and gently placed the ice that was wrapped in the cloth near your eye, where she'd hit you.

"Taylor, stop it." You said a moment later as you watched her nervously bite her lip. "It was just an accident. I know you'd never hurt me so don't beat yourself up."

"I know, I just feel so bad."

"Well, you shouldn't. Because you didn't do it on purpose and I know that just as well as you do." You said as you put the bag of ice and the cloth on the bed. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby, so much." She whispered before kissing your lips lovingly.


It's been two days since that happened and Taylor wanted to take out for dinner.

She insisted on making everything up to you, though there was nothing to even make up for in the first place.

But it seemed to mean a lot to her so you agreed and let her take you out for a nice meal, which brought her a lot of happiness.

But her happiness, as well as yours, was shattered by what happened after the meal.

You had covered up the black eye that Taylor had accidentally given you but the makeup had come off and paparazzi were quick to notice it.

"Y/N, what happened to your eye?" One of them asked as you and Taylor walked down the street, hand in hand. "Did You Taylor hurt you?"

Taylor rolled her eyes, used to their invasive comments and the way they always seem to start shit and jump to conclusions.

"Just ignore them." She said.

"Is Taylor a good girlfriend?" Another asked.

"The very best. There's no one better than her in the whole entire world." You quickly answered.

"Are you being forced to say that? Because that black eye says differently."

"You know what?" You said as you prepared to tell the guy off, only for Taylor to calm you down.

"It's not worth it, darling. Let it go. My fans will know the truth." Taylor said as she brushed her hand across your back comfortingly.


It was true.

Her fans did know the truth because they knew her better than that.

However, those who like to create rumors and gossip didn't, and they were happy to twist things around.

As soon as you were home, the videos and photos had been spread around on social media, and people quickly started to speak up and cause drama.

"This is such crap!" You said as you scrolled through the tweets.

Taylor sighed as she shook her head.

"I'm so sick of this." She said. "People always twist things around. It's horrible."

"Well, I'm not going to sit here and let people paint you into something that you're not." You said before you started to type out a quick response.

Taylor scooted closer to you and watched you hurriedly type out a long tweet in response to someone who was talking about how they always suspected that Taylor was a bad person, which is so far from the truth.

Your tweet read,

"That's so untrue. What these paparazzi did and what people like you are doing is trying to create rumors and start drama but I'm here to shut it all down. Taylor had just simply eaten the last of my cookies and I tickled her and teased her; something a lot of couples do. She accidentally hit my eye. I need you to read that again. Accidentally!! She is the sweetest, most loving human being who you all love to tear down any chance you get and make her into something she isn't. She's a wonderful girlfriend and treats me like a queen. I'm very lucky. If I was being hurt, I wouldn't be with her. But I am because this never happened and never will!"

You hit send before typing another one out.

"You all think you know Taylor but you don't know her the way I'm lucky enough to. I'm sorry that she'll never be the villain or the terrible person you all wish she was. She's a gentle, beautiful, and kind woman who I'm lucky enough to love and be loved by. She wouldn't hurt a single soul. She's the most amazing person in this world. Stop making stuff up and quit treating her badly. She deserves the world."

You set your phone down as the replies began to roll in and Taylor just pulled you into her arms to hold you tight.

"Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome, my love. No one is going to create rumors about you like that, I will not allow it. I know people gossip and start crap all the time and it just comes with your job and your life but I will not let it go that far. You're my girl and you would never hurt me."

"Never, ever, ever. Not in a million years." She said as she kissed your neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Everything will be okay, baby."

"I know. They always are because I have you." She smiled before pulling you in for a soft kiss, both of you hoping that people would stop making things up and realize the truth.

Which is that your girlfriend is the most beautiful human on the planet, inside and out.

And she deserves all the love and happiness in the whole world.

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