Ch. 1 *We Were Inseparable*

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I came from a very modest family. We didn't have that much money, nor did we have a big house, but we were happy.
My parents were the hippie type, meaning we grew our food organically, we were in touch with Mother Earth, and we lived in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere.

It was a good life, full of good memories that will forever be with me.

I remember being just a little kid, crawling through my mom's garden, biting on the leaves of herbs and carrots when she wasn't looking.

I remember sitting on dad's knee by the fireplace as he would read the whole family the next chapter of a new book we've started.
We didn't have a TV, all we had were books and a little radio.

Some would consider that a very boring life, but I was the happiest I've ever been.
I had a mother who would make the best cookies you've ever tasted.
I had a father who used to ruffle my hair and call me LuLu.
And I had a sister who, literally, was my best friend.

I looked up to my sister, Star. I followed her everywhere she would go...we were inseparable practically.
We did everything together. We drew pictures, played in the yard, Star taught me how to sew, and I taught her how to climb trees.

She was my only friend...

I thought we would always be together. We would be this one big happy family, now and forever.

But that was just a dream...

When I turned 10, and Star being 14, there was never a day where she wasn't unhappy. She wouldn't talk to us, wouldn't smile, she would hide in her room all day until mom or dad asked for her.

I couldn't understand it. How could Star change that quickly? And why?
It was like the girl I once knew was lost, and replaced with this, sad, grumpy version of Star.

It had happened over night...

I used to hope that she would snap out of it soon. That maybe what she was going through was a phase. Until one day, Star came into our room and began to pack her bags.

*Memory flashback*

I hum on my bed, combing my dolls hair before Star comes bustling inside, slamming the door behind her before she grabs her handmade bag.
I climb off the bed. "Star? What are you doing?"
She doesn't answer.
"Are you going on a trip?" I ask, a little excitement in my voice. "Can I go too?!"
Finally, Star looks at me. Her eyes hold a heavy look...something that raises high alert in me.
My brow furrows. "Star?"
"Luna," she kneels in front of me, both hands on my shoulders, squeezing tightly. Her mouth opens, and closes again, before repeating the same process. She's stuttering...a habit she does when she's scared.
She pushes aside a lock of hair in my eyes. "I can't stay here, Luna. I...I need to go."
She stands back up, rushing over to her bags to continue packing.
I stand there, confused, and shocked. "You- you're running away?"
No answer.
I run and grab her arm. "But why?! Star you can't leave!"
"I have too, Luna," she throws her bag over her shoulder and starts to walk to the door.
I pull at her, trying to keep her from going any further.
"Let go Luna!" She swings her arm hard enough for me to fall on my rear end, and for her to have that five seconds to run out of the door.
I don't stay down for long. I get back up and run after her.
She's halfway down the driveway, and I'm screaming behind her.
"No! Please don't go Star! Please!"
I catch up to her and grab the only thing I could. Her skirt...
I rip it just a little, and she stops to look at me.
My face is a complete mess of tears.
"Please stay," I cry, "I-I promise I'll stop putting your clothes on! I'll stop stealing the leftovers in the fridge, I'll stop putting your makeup on, just please! Please don't go!"
Star kneels down in front of me, pulling me into a tight embrace. She doesn't let go for several minutes...
For a moment, I think that maybe I've convinced her to stay. That little sliver of hope fills my chest, but soon it's gone.
"I need you to stay here, Luna," she whispers, before kissing my cheek and pushing aside some of my hair, "I need you to keep mommy and daddy company while I'm away, okay?"
"Bu-" I hiccup, "but why?"
Her eyes water, before a single tear falls from her face. "I promise, everything will be okay."
She stands back up. "Go inside, before you catch a cold."
And just like that, she turns and runs down the driveway.
I fall onto my knees, and cry so hard.
I scream at her to come back, but mostly, I scream "LET ME GO WITH YOU!"

*End of memory flashback*

It didn't take my parents long to call the police. They found me sitting in the middle of a rainstorm out in the driveway, and I told them everything.

The police searched for her for several weeks, but they never found leads to her whereabouts, no witnesses.
They believed her to have been kidnapped and kept hostage, or dead.
And after that assumption was put out there, the police eventually have up.

My parents cried for several months, holding pictures of her and I as children.
I still remember my mother's sobs just beneath me as I lay on the upper floor in my bed.

Life was never the same again after that night she ran away.
We lost the family joy, and I lost the only person I could tell everything too. My sister...

Her space in the corner was always empty, and every day when I would go into my room, I would get hit with the same realization that she was gone...

After about a year, my parents came to the realization that Star wasn't coming back, that she was most likely dead.

But I never did.
Star was out there somewhere, I could feel it in my bones.
And I wasn't going to give up.
I was going to search for my sister until I've found her.

(A/N, This is what Luna looks like!!👇)

(A/N, This is what Luna looks like!!👇)

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