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"You traitor!" I punch Dwayne in the face.
He doubles over, spitting the blood out of his mouth, taking everything that I throw at him.

"How DARE you attack me?! ME! The one who made you who you are now!" I hit him again, harder, making sure I feel the bone on my knuckles.

"You...did not make me who I am," Dwayne growls, staring up at me with furious eyes.
I raise my hand to hit him again, before a hand grabs my arm, pulling me away.

"Enough!" Paul shouts, "he's had enough!"
I hiss at him, ready to attack him, before he says something that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"We need to focus on finding Luna before she talks to others about us!"

Dread fills my stomach.
Luna is a liability, and if we don't reach her before it's too late, we're screwed.

I look at Dwayne. "You're lucky," I growl, "that I'm showing you mercy."
Dwayne scoffs, letting his weak body fall on the ground.
"You won't get away with it, she WILL defeat you!"

I laugh. "Who?! Luna?! Please, she's a mere weakling, she can't stop me."

"Unless she finds the Head Vampire."
My eyes widen.
As I approached her on the beach, I heard her thoughts, and she was thinking about finding the Head Vampire.

If she finds Max...then our lives are over.
She cannot find him.
I look at Paul. "We need to go."

"We can't," he points towards the sunrise, "we need to go back to the cave."
I growl, furiously stomping away, into the cave, leaving Paul to help Dwayne get to the cave.

Though I'd rather prefer that he'd burn to a crisp in the sunlight.
The damn traitor.
After all I've done for him, and this is how he repays me?!

How Marko repays me?!

Ungrateful pieces of crap.
Paul runs up to me. "What's the plan?"
I look at him, my only piece of help I have left.
"Are you loyal to me?"

He nods. "Always."
"Then come with me, tonight," I say, "we strike hard and fast against them. We'll kill them before our lives our ruined."
"But..." Paul trails off, hesitation in his eyes. "Marko's my brother."

"Not anymore," I point out, "he's an enemy now. And if we want to continue our way of living, we need to kill them."

For a moment, he looks like he wants to protest, but deep down he knows he can't stand against me.
He nods. "I'm with you."

"Good," I smile.

Luna and her little band of friends won't live.
They won't find the Head Vampire.
Not while I'm breathing...

I will kill her, whatever it takes.
Her blood, is mine...

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