Ch. 17 *Girl's Night Out*

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*Three days later*

"Star!" I jump down the steps into the cave, rushing towards where Star's room is.

It's been three days since I've seen her. And so far I've yet to see her or the guys show up at the boardwalk.
I'm tired of waiting around for David to tell me when I can be with my sister.

Time to take some action.

I push aside the bead curtains to see her sitting there, before she perks up when she sees it's me.
"Luna? Wha-OOF!"

I collide into her, bringing her into a tight, long hug.
I hug her as if this is my first and last time I'll ever see her. Deep down, I'm just overly happy.
"Luna," her hands try to pull away my arms, "you're hurting me."

"Sorry," I let her go, embarrassment turning my cheeks bright pink. I was kind of squeezing her too tight I guess.
"What are you doing here?" She asks, hands smoothing down her shirt.

I smile before grabbing her arm and shaking it. "Why don't you and I go out and have a girls night?"
Her eyes widen slightly and she chuckles softly. "A girls night?"

"Yes!" I say, "we've barely spent anytime together since I found you. There's so much that we need to catch up on, don't you agree?"

"Well, yeah," she mumbles, "but still. I can't go anywhere. Not tonight."
My heart sinks. "Why?"
She crosses her arms. "Because David said so."

Because David said so.
Because David said so.

It's always circled around him, and I am so sick and tired of it being that way.
Star is my sister, my friend, my family.

And David can't say otherwise.

I grab her by the wrist and begin to pull her towards the exit.
"Luna!" She gasps, "didn't you hear what I just said?!"
She tries to pull her hand away, but fails.

Two reasons being my grip is strong, or she's not trying hard enough.

I stop right by the exit, turning towards a shocked Star.
"Look, let's just go to the boardwalk and have a good time. I'll leave a note here in case the guys come back, and whatever heat David has to throw, I'll take it, alright?"


"Nope, no, you're not saying you have to stay here," I shake a finger in her face. "You are your own person Star. You can do and go wherever you want. These guys don't own you, so stop putting that idea in there heads."

Star sighs softly, her eyes lowering to the moist cave floor beneath us.
Her mind is turning, I can see it the way her lips purse and her fingers pinch each other.

Finally, when she raises her gaze to meet mine, she wears a giddy smirk that screams, I DARE!
One that I've never seen her wear before.

"Let's do it," she says.
I squeal, running to write a quick note for the guys before I grab her hand and go outside to my moterbike.

Operation Girl's Night is A GO!


We arrived at the boardwalk in great time, less then twenty minutes.
Mostly because I sped like a maniac.

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