Ch. 15 *My Permission*

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*Two Days Later*

I hum under my breath softly, swaying side to side while I walk down the boardwalk pathway.

It's been a couple of days since I've last seen the guys and Star. So hopefully tonight I'll see them.
Ok, I will admit, I'm still getting used to the fact that my sister is a vampire.

Half vampire anyway.

Star explained most of everything to me last time I was with her.
She said that she hasn't ever...feasted on human blood. Her words, not mine, and that I don't need to be scared of her.

I asked her about the guys, because there full blooded vampires and has most DEFINITELY killed someone.
What if they get hungry one day, and eat me?
Out of desperation?

I mean, a human is a human, to vampires anyway.
They don't care about who they kill, as long as they get blood.

I shudder at the thought.

Star said that the boys knew the difference between a friend and a meal, and that I'll be okay.
I should feel a little relieved, but hearing her words makes me feel a little sick inside.
The difference between a meal and a friend.

I shake a little, and some people stare at me with a raised eyebrow.
I know, odd of someone to shiver in the middle of a humid, hot Santa Carla night.
I almost stayed home, because I've been spending a lot of time coming out here instead of time with my family.
That and I knew that tonight was going to be a very hot summer night.

Mom's been noticing my absence though.
She even sat me down and had 'The Talk' with me before I left.
She brought up the fact that if there is a boy in my life, I don't need to hide it.
That it would be okay with her and Dad, just as long as I didn't take it further.

It took me an hour to convince her that there is no man in my life.
Honestly, I'd tell her the truth, if the situations weren't so complicated.
I sigh softly, bringing a clenched hand to my chest.


I look behind me, both joy and instant fear coming over me.
Michael runs through the crowds, his eyes on me.
I haven't seen him since that embarrassing moment that happened a couple nights ago.
Purposely, I've been avoiding him.

But I know that I have to face him.
And I guess today is that day.
Wish I had a little warning though.

Michael approaches me, out of breath from running.
"Michael," I tuck some hair behind my ear, "what a surprise."
"Yeah," he inhales a breath, exhaling deeply. "You must have a record for running away."

My cheeks turn pink from embarrassment.
It's true. Seems like when we try to hang out, I always run out on him.
Not a very good friend I am...

I sigh. "Look, I'm sorry," I say, "I just wanted to go home that night." I glance up at him, "I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward position."

He smiles softly. "Can't even remember what happened," he says, in other words, he means that there's nothing to be sorry for, and that we can forget about it.
I smile brightly, hands clasped in front of me.
I'm glad our friendship isn't ruined.
Michael is a great guy, and though that he doesn't like me in that way, I'm just happy that he's in my life.

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