Ch. 32 *The Battle Begins*

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Star is awake.
Thank God.

When I returned, I ran upstairs to see Star sitting up, holding a cup of soup in her lap.
Tears streamed down my face the moment I saw she was okay.

Michael left us alone for the short time we have, and I sat by Star's side, clutching her hand in mine.

"I was so worried," I say, "don't scare me like that again!"
She laughs softly, but it's a joyless sound. "I can't promise that," she whispers weakly.

Though she's awake, she's still in danger.
I inhale a breath, shoulders raising in the process. "We're gonna make this right," I whisper, "I'm gonna find the Head Vampire. You just need to hang in there, okay? I promise we'll make this right."

"Luna-" she starts to say, before she has a coughing fit.
My heart pounds.
I stand up, helping her lay back down. "I'm gonna save you Star," I whisper, pushing aside her hair from her eyes. "We'll be a family again."

She chuckles softly. "I can't wait to see Mom and Dad," she whispers, before the door opens in a forceful manner.
Both our heads turn to see Michael, out of breath from running.

"It's time."

It's time...
My eyes widen, and I look at Star. "You stay here," I rush forward, "keep her safe."
"You got it," Michael runs to Star's side, sitting protectively on the bed.

I shut the door and it locks behind me.
I run downstairs to the living room where Marko, Sam, Edgar and Alan sit with a table flipped over as a wall.

I sit in between Alan and Marko on my knees as I grab a water gun full of Holy Water.
I won't use this unless I absolutely have to...

I don't want to kill anyone. But if David hurts anyone I love, I will do it.
Marko glances at me, as if he read my mind. "Remember, we need him alive."

I nod, before Edgar's voice speaks up.
"Remember, vampires will always try to take you down with them. Don't underestimate them," he grabs a stake and squeezes it in his hands. "Some go quietly, some go loud. Some implode, some explode. But don't let your guard down."

"Thanks for the moving speech," I say sarcastically, which makes Alan snicker before groaning from being elbowed by Edgar.
Sam looks at me. "What should we expect?"

"Chaos," Marko breathes, making Sam's eyes widen.
Fear floods my chest.
This is going to be one dangerous night.

Marko takes my hand and squeezes it, and his touch gives me a little comfort.
I'm not in this alone, I have friends, my boyfriend, my sister...
It's going to be okay.

I'm doing this for my sister.
For Star to come back home, to be with our family, to be human again.

Ten silent minutes pass, and each time I hear the clock tick it makes me jump slightly.
The silence is driving me insane. We're waiting for ruthless monsters to come to us, and we're practically sitting ducks in this house.

It's nerve racking.

In the kitchen, I hear a screech of glass against class, quick and short.
I look behind me, fear flooding my stomach, making me feel sick.

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